13 Idiot-Proof Abs Solutions



# 5 You Should Be Avoiding Alcohol

As for alcohol, you’ll definitely need to dial back your drinking. Better yet, eliminate it completely. If you insist on going out and drinking, try to avoid mixed drinks that are made with sugary beverages, as well as heavy beers that are full of calories. Stick to wine, light beer or mixed drinks made with the alcohol and either water or seltzer.

This may seem obvious, but avoid binge drinking. Not only is it unhealthy and unsafe, it will wreck your weeks’ worth of dieting in a single night. The other problem is that a night out of heavy drinking can usually lead to eating junk food either at night or the next day to help your hangover. Being hung over won’t affect your abs directly, but it will probably keep you out of the gym the next day, which can hurt your progress.

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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