Learn The Art Of Getting Back In Shape


Getting Back In Shape

Getting back in shape it’s your time… today! Have you woke up, saw yourself in the mirror and cursed at yourself because this is not how you wished to look? 

This actually happened to me one when I was a sophomore in high school. Regardless of how you look, you have the power to say that this is not how your story is going to end. However, you need to know how you can make a difference and for that to happen, you’re going to need some advice and guidance. (Did you hear the drum roll?)

Before I talk to you about the best way to get in shape, I need you to know that it is perfectly all right to be disproportionate regarding body comp. Each one of us has been there at some point in time. You do not have to worry about it. Even if you have tried a hundred different formulas and none of them has worked, it doesn’t spell failure. All I want from you is the fire to get in shape and you will be able to get the kind of figure a lot of people wish for.

Some of you might have searched extensively on the internet, tried the endless combinations and then gave up because none of it really works.

Well, all I can tell you is that you have now come to the right place. By the time you are done with this article, you will know how to get in shape.

Get In Shape And Get Yourself Together

Now, don’t blame me for going all philosophical on you, but seriously if your life seems to be one big mess at the moment; it is time for you to sort the mess. You have to get your life in order and we will begin cleaning the mess by working on your body.

So, let us once again start from where you left off. There must be a time when you were desperate for getting back in shape and you were prepared to move the universe (which you didn’t) and then ended up cursing at everything altogether. That didn’t work and you’re still very disproportionate and you are left questioning if all those “getting fit” techniques work at all.

Well, let me tell you something; some do, but only the right ones. So, here I am; all set to begin the ground work and I will take you through the best lessons and you will be all prepared to look like a star.

Do not be insane to try the same methods which never worked last time. If it didn’t work the last time, nothing is going to happen this time. So, I will take you through the best way to get in shape.

When you want to clinch any of your goals, you will need three main things to succeed and they are as follows.

  • Education: you need to be aware of the ways you can get in shape.
  • Inspiration: you need to have the fire to stay in shape.
  • Support: many a times, you will need the right support to stay in shape.

When you can have a blend of these three factors, you will be able to clinch your goals.

Getting Fit With Education

#1Make a Resolution

When you have made a resolution, you have to be sure that you stick to it. Make sure that you set down the right goals which you can follow meticulously. You need to plan thoroughly before you put the goals into practice. It is best advised to set a new goal every month as this way you will always keep moving forward.

There are some tips you can follow while setting goals.

  • Try and be extremely specific when making goals and write them down along with the steps you need to implement to clinch them.
  • When you want to make new habits, do every possible thing to incorporate them in your calendar. You can set your alarm and do likewise.
  • You need to be patient because things are going to take time and you will have to wait and watch. It is foolish to expect results overnight.

    #2 Identify Your Weakness

When you tried to get in shape the last time and failed miserably, there has to be a reason for the same. Often we fail to see but there are reasons and causes which lead to failure. When you are learning the art of getting back in shape, you have to be sure that you are aware of what your weak points are. When you do so, it will be easier for you to get in the right groove and then start your exercise plan.

#3 Clean Your Diet

Whether you trust me or not, 80 percent of your success is going to depend upon the diet you have. If you keep munching those Twinkies, you are never going to get in shape, regardless of what I or any other person tells you. So, you will have to say goodbye to some food and you need to be sure that you are curbing the calories you are consuming. You can always fall back on Paleo diet as some have found pretty good results with this.

Some people believe that healthy eating is going to be costly on your wallet, but it is not so. When you plan the food you eat and you are making the right choice of your diet, you can stay healthy, eat healthy and keep your budget in check as well. So, make sure that you are cooking your own meal rather than buying food because it will save money and be health-friendly too. If you feel like diets are overwhelming in general you can check out a more simple diet plan and just learn the basics about eating healthy.


#4 Find a fun activity

You have to find one such activity which you like to engage in. If you love running, choose that. If you have a zest for lifting weights, you can do that too. However, make sure that whatever you are doing, you enjoy doing it. This will give you the fire to keep on doing it day in and day out. You need to really enjoy the activity which you are doing as this is the only way when you will be able to benefit the most from your workouts.

As per our genetic framework, we are all designed to be active. If you love to have a sedentary lifestyle, you need to try something which can help you stay active. So, it is best advised to join some kind of sports classes and then make sure that you stick to it.

So, the bottom-line remains that you need to be sure that your diet comprises the most significant part. You have to be sure that you do not compromise on your diet and then at the same time, you should exercise to have a strong body. When you are exercising regularly you will be able to infuse the right strength in your muscles and this will help in improving your body and infusing the stamina inside your body too. There are plenty of workout plans for men to build muscle and women alike.

When you are carrying out exercises, you may need specific instructions for different ones like running, squats, pushups and even weight lifting routines for men and women. I have carried out a series of articles upon the exercises which you need to do and the detailed instructions of how you should do it. You can go through the same to get some kind of idea regarding it.

I also have premium guides which will take you through the different steps in elaborate details. These are sure to work because there are innumerable people who have managed to get in shape by choosing it. You can also design your own workout as well. You can also look at gym routine for beginners and get a good idea where to start your new journey.Put it together

#5 Put it together

So, if it all comes down to the steps you need to follow, here are the details you must keep in mind.

  • Determine the key goals which you want to conquer.
  • Find out the reasons because of which you failed in the past and how you can avoid it in future.
  • Make sure to find an easy to follow diet plan you can diligently follow and the one that works for you.
  • Make sure to find an activity, which you love to indulge in.

How to Get In Shape Fast With Some Inspiration

You have to ask yourself as to why you are pursuing the task of getting in shape. There has to be a good reason for doing so. There can be a hundred different reasons it really doesn’t matter. Some of us want to get in shape because we have a co-worker to impress or others may wish to win a bet, or even look like Ryan Reynolds. Regardless of what the reason is, you need to be sure that you are dedicated enough for the same. Write down the reason in your bedroom or wherever you stay the most and then be fired to achieve it.

The reason needs to be strong enough to give you the push to keep on working harder. If you are looking for inspiration, you can always read the different success stories that are available on the internet. If you are not the kind who spends time reading success stories, you can still fall back on other journals and exercise magazines and details as well. There are endless sources which you will find and make sure to tap the most out of it.


Your Support

Last but not the least; you will need the right kind of support. You may take a lot of pleasure in having a solo army, but we all need some kind of support to fall back on when things don’t work our way.

One of the best ways to getting back in shape is announcing your goals in public or even on social media such as Facebook or Instagram. When you tell others about your goals, you will be more dedicated to achieving it. People feel as if they are being held accountable when friends and acquaintances always keep asking about it.

Further, if it is possible, try and enter into a challenge with someone. When you have put a little money on the line, you are going to try even harder trust me. So, if you want to really put yourself on the line, you will have to be sure that you are engaging in a challenge, a healthy one though.

You can always build your own beginner bodyweight workout and even do them at home. Also, try and bond with similar minded people and they will always keep you going. When everyone in your group is a fitness freak, you will turn into one too.

Try and find a workout buddy, you will be surprised at how much it helps you and of course reading our top fitness blogs. Having found your perfect match is going to reap a lot of dividends as you will learn a lot about exercises. Staying dedicated and focused can be an issue for many. When you have a workout buddy with you, you will always have someone to do the exercise with. This not only keeps a competitive spirit inside you but at the same time, you will be able to get healthy company too.

However, what happens if you have no one to fall back on and you’re the only guy who is out of shape in your whole group?

Do not have to worry or fret. We are here to sort it all for you.

You can always fall back on our support team for help. When you are following what we have explained above, it is going to give you the right kind of direction to follow. When you are learning how to get fit, you will have all these points to implement. Every single point is important and those who have managed to keep it in mind are sure to improve their physical appearance.

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So, what are you waiting for? 

Understand these changes and start right away. If you keep postponing things for tomorrow, it will never come. Start today and write your very own fitness journal because you deserve to stay fit and healthy forever.

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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  1. I’ll be honest; I’m not even the slightest bit overweight or underweight and I’m happy with how my body looks, but I can tell you that I’m incredibly unfit and get exhausted way too quickly for my very young age. However, as much as I’ve wanted to get back in shape and get fit, my motivation has skewed at even the idea of looking up techniques and I just end up doing nothing towards it. So I’d like to commend you for starting off with making a resolution in this article, because it really is the first thing that you need to do. Having goals makes everything easier, as does having an endgame. I also love the reminder to find a fun activity. It’s been about a year since I last went ice skating and it’s something I’ve been wanting to get back into for a while because I really miss it, so I like the idea of making it apart of my workout, and I should be able to get out there often enough to make it worthwhile. Thanks for breaking it all down for us in this post!

  2. Generally I try to work out on a regular basis and maintain my fitness level, but every so often I have those moments where I realise that I’m not actually as fit as I thought I was, and that I’ve lapsed a little. Actually in one of those moments right now, and pretty eager to hit it all again and build myself back up into shape. Great post, and I definitely need to work on having that fire to stay in shape, because getting in shape isn’t exactly the problem for me. The problem is staying that way once i get there.


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