Part II – Sample Meals And Workouts I Did To Lose 13.4 Lbs In 3 Weeks


fat loss workouts


Below is a three-day sample of exactly what I did to shed over 13 pounds in only 3 weeks. I’m being completely honest in sharing what, when, and how I ate and trained. That being said, my disclosure comes with the cliched warning of “do as I say, not as I do”.

Some of what is written below goes counter to other writings you can find here at GymJunkies. Please keep in mind that I have been training a long time, know how to listen to the cues my body gives and have a rather unorthodox work schedule.

By unorthodox, I mean that I typically start my workday around 8:00am and finish up around 9:00pm. I take a break early afternoon to go home, walk the dog, and eat lunch. But other than Coda’s afternoon walk, my schedule changes day to day and I have to eat and train when opportunity allows.


I eat when I’m hungry. I don’t preplan my training – not the exercises I’m going to do and usually not what time I’m going to work out. This is what works for me. I DO NOT recommend this for anyone but very advanced trainees.  I will give much clearer instructions that will be easy for you to follow in the Shredded for Summer challenge by the end of this week.  I will also provide workouts that you can do with the equipment you have available.

Now that the former lawyer in me is satisfied with the disclaimers, a three-day sample of exactly what I did to drop 13.4 pounds in only 3 weeks follows. . .

Fat Loss Workouts

Monday April 6, 2009

7:25am 1 banana, 1 handful walnuts. 1 cup of coffee black.

TRAINING 8:47am – 8:59am

* Superset 155lb Bench Press with Kipping Pull Ups. 1-minute rest between sets.

* Bench Press: 12, 8, 5, 4, 4.

* Pull Ups: 15, 10, 8, 7, 6.

9:05am 8 ounces organic chocolate milk.

10:50am 1 pear.

11:35am 1 apple, 1 handful walnuts.

1:20pm Chicken Stir Fry and broccoli with slivered almonds.

3:00pm 1 banana.

4:30pm 8 ounces organic chocolate milk.

7:45pm 1 handful walnuts.

10:00pm 1 glass red wine.

Tuesday April 7, 2009

7:45am 1 banana, 1 handful walnuts. 1 cup of coffee black.

TRAINING 10:30am – 10:42am

* As many reps as possible of 115 lb. Power Clean and Press in 12 minutes: 40 reps.

10:45am 8 ounces organic chocolate milk.

12:00pm 1 banana.

1:30pm 3 hard shell tacos with grilled steak, tomato salsa, and a small amount of cheese. 1 large iced tea.

5:30pm 1 apple.

7:30pm 1 banana.

9:15pm Stir fried chicken and broccoli with slivered almonds.

9:45pm 1 glass red wine.

Wednesday April 8, 2009

6:30am 1 large cup of coffee black.

7:55am 1 handful walnuts, 1 pear.

8:45am 1 apple.

TRAINING 10:05am – 10:20am

* 155 lb. Back Squat super sets with Rope Climb (with feet). 1 minute between sets.

* Squat: 10, 8, 8, 6, 6.

* Rope Climb: 4, 3, 2, 2, 1.

10:30am 8 ounces organic vanilla flavored milk.

12:05pm Stir fried chicken and broccoli with slivered almonds.

1:45pm 1 chicken sausage and spinach salad with grape tomatoes and vinaigrette dressing.

4:00pm 1 large dark chocolate bar, 1 cup green tea.

6:40pm 1 handful walnuts.

7:45pm 1 pear.

9:30pm Stir fried chicken and broccoli with slivered almonds.

9:45pm 1 glass red wine

So there it is.  My workouts and food journal for a few of the days of my fat loss challenge.  Like I said before, I will write your workouts and diet plan up so that it is simple, and easy to follow.  Also DO NOT be worried that you don’t have the equipment or gym access to do the workouts I provide.  I will have workouts made that will fit your situation even if you have nothing but a living room or an office to work out in.

Are you ready for the Shredded for Summer challenge?

The response thus far for the Shredded for Summer challenge has been INSANE!  Seriously I had no clue we would have this many people jumping on board.  I’m getting emails left and right, and TONS of comments on the posts about this.  This is gonna be one KILLER month, and I know you guys are going to see some AMAZING results (seriously).

If you want to finally get off your ass, and get in the best shape of your life in 31 days, then you better be here on May 1st!  I am sending all updates for the Shredded For Summer challenge out through the newsletter, so just enter your info below and you will be reminded when we start on May 1st…

Article Name
Part II - Sample Meals And Workouts I Did To Lose 13.4 Lbs In 3 Weeks
Want Some Good Fat Loss Workouts? Here Are Some Of The Things I Have Done...
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Gym Junkies
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  1. I’m really looking forward to May 1st and the shredded for the summer program!
    I just read your 3 day sample, and I noticed that in each of the 3 days you did your workout in the morning, and your diet obviously revolves around when you train. So I was wondering what the diet would look like if training in the afternoon or evening. Would all your pre-workout meals consist of only fruit and nuts even if you train late in the day??



  2. I’ve been following this and I want to get on board for the shredded for summer challenge. Is there a formal signup somewhere that I missed?

  3. Hey VIC.. I am sooooo excited over here in ATLANTA, GA… and not only because i have a chance to WIN A COVETED TSHIRT.. but because I know you are going to help me continue my journey on the road to a “SHREDDED’ more toned body that I can ATTAIN with your help~ All you women out here over 50.. We are GETTING BETTER AND BETTER trust ME… you just have to want it bad’s that SIMPLE~ 🙂

  4. I’m super excited…nervous about the diet…how much are you talking about when you eat chicken and brocoli stirfry?

  5. hey Vic, ive done the diet loss and workout plan u have provided, it has worked! but i’m really wanting to do this shredded for summer program u got going, due to my work and schedule i cant go to the gym, so could you please help what workouts i could do at home, and also an specific diet for this routine. thank you very Gary!

  6. Count me in for this Vic. I’m going to take my before picture early am on friday and I’m excited to see what I can accomplish through this.

    Also, can I ask. After looking through your three day diet, did you maintain that form of eating through the course of the 21 days or did you vary it up with some higher cal days?

  7. I’m getting in on this for sure. I want to be in better shape and this is the perfect way to push myself. I’m 6′ 155. I’d like to gain some size and burn the fat I have on my stomach. I’m looking forward to this, even though I started already!

  8. Your after workout nutrition seems to only consist of chocolate milk. Is this adequate after an intense mass building type workout? Do you use any other supplements, whey etc?

  9. Good stuff Vic. You are doing this initiative right on time – with focus, consistency and intensity people should be seeing very visible results in a month!

    Looking forward to seeing how you whoop a LOT of people into shape LOL


  10. I really like this new look of yours Vic! You said that in your previous videos you looked a little chubby so you decided to get shredded. I thought you looked cute before but this lean look is definately what I like! Loved your previous video on how to eat well for 5 dollars a day too! Thanks a Lot for all the info – I feel like for the first time my eating pl;an has become quite simple and hassle free.

  11. Hi Vic, I am in as well. Currently, I am 5’4″ and 130 pounds. I need to lose 10 pounds of fat. A couple of months ago, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and have gained weight like crazy on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. With some minor adjustments, your whole food diet should work for me. I am completely motivated to get my body back. THANKS for doing this challenge!!!

  12. Hey Vic, in your instuctional videos it looks like you lift heavier weight than you did for these workouts .

    was this part of your modified shredding workout ?
    you look pretty ripped for throwing around lighter weight.

  13. I see. Well, I think I’ll follow the program I’m on at the moment, which is Enter the Kettlebell with some added skipping, and just follow what you did for a diet really closely. See where I end up.

  14. Vic:

    Great stuff as usual — what’s up with the chocolate milk? Is there a specific reason you include it or is it a little indulgence/reward?



  15. Hello,
    I am a hockey player. I am 15 yrs old and weigh 200 lbs, most of which is muscle. Hockey requires agility, speed, and strength. I am fine in terms of speed and strength but still have to work on agility. Do you have any good workouts for agility training? Additionally, How can I make sure that when I workout (I usually do half cardio & half lifting) I do not end up building too much bulky muscle that will end up impairing my movement and flexibility, and in turn making me slower?

    • Your best agility training is going to come from your hockey skills training. At 15, and even if you’re a prodigy, there is still plenty to learn in the skills realm. And I don’t play hockey. But I don’t care if it’s martial arts, playing the piano, or playing hockey, acquiring an expert skill set takes many years.

      So practice your skills and I bet you are happy with your agility improvements.


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