How To Get Bigger Arms: The Easy Way


how to get bigger arms

Admit it: You want your biceps, forearms and triceps to get noticed.

How do you do that? Simple. You need to follow this plan for bigger guns. Enjoy!

Do you want bigger arms the easy way?

Well, let’s get things straight from the start. You need a lot of dedication and determination to complete this task.


Simple, your arms are only a small part of your entire body. They will grow significantly at first, but all of a sudden stop and seem to be on a flat line when it comes to further muscle growth. This is called a training plateau.

Don’t worry! The following info will help you go beyond this in the easiest way possible.

Three Muscle Groups You’re Going To Focus On

Your arms workout are only capable of growing properly if the muscle groups are all targeted with enough focus. You could choose specialized training over occlusion training where you only target one specific area.

The three areas you will be focusing on for your bigger arms training are the forearms, biceps and triceps. Of course, there are many muscles throughout your arms.

But these are the three main ones that effectively allow growth through training.

#1 Forearms

It may take a bit of time before you begin to notice significant changes. We will keep it simple and note this is the lower region of your arms.

People often give up on trying to increase the size of their forearms because it takes too much time. Rest assured that training them will lead to growth. It is just that it might take quite some time before big results are noticed.

Keep in mind that your forearms are always getting an arm workout with upper body lifts that use handles. You constantly have to grasp equipment, so your forearms must contract.

#2 Biceps

Your biceps are made of two muscle heads and are located on the front of your upper arms. You primarily target this region by doing a range of curling movements. Still, pulling motions assist with biceps growth as well. Trying to target each muscle head specifically is not really necessary.

By just doing various big biceps exercises you allow this to be accomplished. Increasing biceps strength will help improve pulling exercise performances such as seated rows, inverted rows, perfect pull-up and lateral pulldowns.

#3 Triceps

As you likely guessed, your triceps are made of three muscle heads. After all, it is does begin with tri. These muscle heads are located on the back of your upper arms.

They make up a large portion of the meat found in the upper arm region. They are the main muscle group of the three that should receive more focus. Opposite to your biceps, your triceps receive extra contractions by doing pressing movements.

Increasing the strength of your triceps will improve pushing exercise performances such as the bench press, shoulder press and dips.

Would It Be Okay To Just Focus On Bigger Arms?

Yes and no.

They need to give their entire body equal attention for at least six to eight months. Then specialized training should be okay for consideration if you trained hard and performed all of the exercises properly.

The reason why is because you take advantage of the significant body changes from new movements placed on your body.

Specialized training means you are focusing on one particular muscle or muscle region for a specific amount of time. During this time you would also be training the other muscles, but with just enough intensity to maintain current muscle size.

The main reason a person would want to pursue bigger arms training is because they hit a growth plateau as mentioned.

A growth plateau means no matter how hard you try to increase muscle size; your body just does not change. This could be because of overtraining, improper dieting (instead of diets that work) or a lot of times strength training program for men are repetitive.

Overtraining Is Your Foe

Overtraining means you have given that specific muscle or muscle group little time to recover properly. This could lead to serious injury or harsh muscle fatigue. This is pretty hard to accomplish since our bodies are designed to adapt to drastic changes.

But, it is still possible. Don’t let that happen.

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Improper Dieting Is A Fail

Dieting could be an obvious cause of failure.


Simple, without proper nutrients your muscles can’t grow. They could even be used as an energy source and the gains will slowly fade away to support your training program.

Muscle gains require more calorie intake than what you are using for energy. Big muscles come from big eating. Start eating!

Repetitive Training Programs Lead To Diminishing Returns

Since your body easily adapts, so will your muscles to the movements placed upon them. Doing the same old routine, week after week, is not only boring.

It’s worse than that. It leads to growth plateaus. This is one reason why specialized training comes in handy.

You are shocking your body into new training techniques, which encourages muscle hypertrophy.

Training Load, Volume And Frequency Are Key

These three terms are essentially going to make or break your gains. You can either increase the size of your arms, or you can waste energy not being placed throughout your body equally.

The load you choose is going to be your first concern.


Because you want to lift the amount of weight your muscles need for muscle growth to occur. Lighter loads increase muscle definition.

Sadly, they do not activate your slow twitch muscle fibers very well. They focus on your fast twitch muscle fibers. Plus you have to do a lot more reps. Instead you want to choose moderate to heavy loads for muscle growth. Basically moderate loads would mean you do 8 to 10 reps with near failure.

Heavy loads are when you do four to six reps with a strong possibility of failure in each set.

Volume is the amount of sets you do and the amount of reps for each set. You should not be able to perform a high amount of reps if you have chosen a moderate or heavy load setting.

Another thing to remember is that you should be doing every exercise with proper form.

Frequency is the amount of times you do something. For example, if you train five days a week, then you would have a high training frequency. Basically if you are only training one or two days a week, then you will not be seeing much muscle growth with that low of a frequency.

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Rest And Recovery Are Important Too When Trying to Get Big!

Everyone harps on diet and training. With good reason!

But, what about your body’s need for rest and recovery?

When you train your muscles become damaged from the intensity received through contractions. These torn muscle fibers need time to receive protein to begin the repair process. They will then grow slowly after this repair cycle has been completed.

Generally you want 24 to 48 hours of rest between training muscle groups. Training them with little time for rest will only lead to overtraining.

While your body is at rest this type of process is occurring. Your muscle soreness will reduce drastically in time if you allow your body to sleep for six to eight hours. This is the optimal amount of time each person should be sleeping to have better mental focus and energy the following day.

Lack of sleep is going to catch up with you very fast if you are training routinely each week.

Eating slow digesting protein before your rest might be a good idea. Try a glass of milk before bed. You could also include foods such as yogurt, cottage cheese and casein protein powder. Look up the best tasting protein powder and protein shake recipes to help you out. They feed your muscles the protein slowly over time instead of all at once. 

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This Is The How to Get Big Arms Easy Training Program

You now have the info needed to move on to your training program. Below is the type of training week you should follow.

You should repeat it for a total of four weeks of specialized training. Follow this routine exactly as shown to ensure you have enough rest time. A training day for a full body workout has been established. This allows you to keep your other muscles well maintained.

Every exercise is done with a moderate load setting and 8 to 10 reps unless noted. Anything that is listed as a superset means you do the second exercise right after the first one. You should rest for 2 minutes between sets unless it is a superset.

Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps

Close Grip Bench Press x5 x8-10

Barbell Curl x5 x8-10

Dumbbell Triceps Overhead Extension x4 x8-10

Triceps Rope Pulldown x4 x8-10


Cable Single Arm Curl x3 x8-10

Cable Single Arm Reverse Curl x3 x8-10

Day 2

Don’t train. Get rest!

Day 3

Exercise Sets Reps

Barbell Squat x5 x8-10

Deadlift x5 x8-10

Barbell Bench Press x5 x8-10

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press x5 x8-10

Day 4

Exercise Sets Reps

Wide Grip Reverse Bench Press x5 x8-10

Preacher Curl x5 x8-10

Triceps Cable Bar Pulldown x4 x8-10

Dumbbell Hammer Curl x4 x8-10


Bent Over Triceps Kickback x3 x8-10

Bodyweight Dip x3 x8-10

Day 5

You need to rest.

Day 6

Exercise Sets Reps

Close Grip Bench Press x5 x8-10

Ez-Bar Curl x5 x8-10

Decline Dumbbell Triceps Extension x4 x8-10

Cable Rope Triceps Overhead Extension x4 x8-10


Cable Rope Curl x3 x8-10

Dumbbell Wrist Curl x3 x8-10

Day 7

Get your rest.

You can see that your weeks are pretty filled for the next month of training. If you wish to truly increase the size of your arms, then you must dedicate the time for this to occur. This is the easiest way to get your arms bigger in a pretty short time.

Basically you would only have to do this type of thing once, and then go back to a normal training program with a few arm-based exercises per week.

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Do You Want Big Arms Or Not?

You have to remember that your muscles will be sore and proper nutrition is needed to help decrease this soreness along with stretching both before and after your training sessions.

The start of your training session should have time for dynamic stretching. This is when you are moving your body without weight to allow your joints to warm up and increase blood flow to your muscles. You should then do static stretching throughout your workout between sets and afterward as well.

This should help to reduce this soreness until your next day of training. Note that if your muscles are feeling too much strain then you should consider taking an extra day to rest. This will ensure a lesser chance of injury.

Remember that protein is going to help your muscles repair, recover and grow. Carbs will provide the energy and fats will help with this as well. Your calorie intake should be higher than your energy use if you seek to gain significant amounts of muscle.

This is going to also help speed up the process of building your arm size if they are able to have the calories needed.

These calories should come from nutritious food sources.

Consult with a doctor if you have had any previous health conditions or concerns prior to starting a specialized training program. This type of workout will be stressful for your arms, and you definitely do not want to injure them and ruin the chances of exercising routinely.

BUILD Protein


You now have a training program to get you going in the right direction. Now it’s up to you!

Do you really want it?

If so, you can build bigger arms.

Get in the gym and bring your work boots!

By Brian Pankau, CPT



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