Learn How to Have the Biggest Biceps on the Block

Let’s face it guys biceps are not the biggest or strongest muscle group in our body but do we care about what they look...

15 Explosive Push Up Variations to Blast Your Chest

Beginner bodyweight workout may well be the most underplayed and undervalued moves. For achieving a fit, toned upper body while working your core muscles and...

12 Great Post Workout Snacks to Refuel Your Body

It’s no secret that your diet is winning the race in determining the overall effectiveness of your fitness and health regimen. No matter how hard...

Learn How Tearing Your Muscles Leads to Fat Loss

You mean tearing your muscles will actually lead to less body fat?YES!I thought lifting weights is only going to get me bulky and huge?I...

Best Muscle Sculpting Leg Workouts to Add to Your Workout

Alright, so it’s leg day. You know you don’t want to be that guy at the gym whose triceps dwarf his calves, but maybe...

Your First Gym Workout and How Important Your Core Strength

  Whether you need a  beginner workout routine or your first time back in the gym after a long hiatus, there are a few points to...

Top Foods for Body Building & Health

Learn about adding the best foods for bodybuilding and fitness as opposed to imposing restrictions. In all things in life, I really stand by...

4 Tips to Looking Ripped This Summer

With summer around the corner and countless outdoor events and pool parties on the horizon. I often get asked about how to get ripped...

The Shocking Truth about Fruit And How It Effects Your Workout

You may have heard mixed things when it comes to consuming fruit. While fruit itself is a healthy choice, it’s important to know when...
Meal Planning

Learn How to Bulk up Without Gaining Body Fat

So you want to get bigger?  Ready to bulk up and increase your strength? When it comes to workouts for bulking up, there are...