Diabetes cure? An Amazing story…



I’m very happy to have my old client here on at Gym Junkies.

This article should really inspire people out there to never give up, get in shape and change their lives for the better.

I can honestly say there is no money in the world that could replace helping someone with his or her health.

Well, I won’t keep on blabbing let’s talk to the man himself…

Herman what’s up man? How’s life treating you?

Response- Life’s great Terry, I just got back from climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge in Sydney, Australia

That’s awesome I’ve always wanted to go to Sydney myself… It’s been just a minute since I was a trainer (or at least an onsite one), how long was it that we trained together?

Response- We trained about 8 months together.

That’s right… So please tell everyone your story. What is it exactly that brought you into that La Fitness that day.

Response- I was hospitalized in ICU for about 7 days with a blood sugar of 435, I was 330lbs and on the verge of being a type II diabetic for the rest of my life.

Diabetes, yikes that’s right you had just found out you were diagnosed.

Response Yeah I couldn’t believe it, I was like how did I end up here? 

I’m sure you were scared for your health and were pretty determined to make a change. 

Response- Absolutely, as I was in that hospital bed, it was determined in my mind that once I got out of there, it was on like never before.

That’s great well you certainly did make quite a bit of a change; just how much weight did you lose?

Response- I lost a total of 115 lbs.

Holy crap that’s right… that’s pretty amazing. What was your secret other than having me as a trainer? Lol…

Response- Staying focus on the goal, and never losing sight of it.  I realized that eating is only for energy and not for comfort.

Well that’s pretty cool I’m sure a lot of people can relate to your struggle and take something positive from your message.

Response-Thanks, yes I’m looking forward to helping those that are in need of losing weight and showing them how to live a healthy lifestyle.

So what do you think lead to such a huge success, your diet, weight lifting or cardio? Or was it a combination of all?

Response- It was a combination of all, because you definitely can tell the difference of your workout from what you eat during the day. If you don’t have proper nutrition, your workout won’t be as effective. Also not to go eat something bad afterwards because you are just defeating the purpose and wasting your time if you want to see results.

Yea I couldn’t agree with you more. I think I gave you a copy of my eBook I had just finished, how did that work out for you?

Response-It was a tremendous help in guiding me along the way.

Cool well glad it got some use before it hit the public… Jumping topics let me attach a photo so people can get a visual of just how far you have come.


Crazy you literally look like a different person…

So tell me what’s on the horizon for Herman? The man that lost 115 and virtually reversed diabetes.

Response-I’m in the process of becoming a personal trainer, along with speaking at hospitals to those who may have been recently diagnosed with being diabetic.

Wow so now you are actually going to become a personal trainer yourself? How cool, when did you decide this? 

Response-For me, it’s like this, once you learn something, you share with others who may be facing the same problem.  As God helped me through you and others that prayed and supported me on my journey, its only right that I inspire others that it can be done.

That’s awesome I am so proud of you and glad your doing well and sticking with it.

Response- Thanks for all your help in guiding me along the way. Those days of training meant a lot to me, and I’m grateful that I was able to reverse the diagnoses

Well Herman I just want to thank you for coming on Gym Junkies and sharing your story, I think it’s great for people to hear your success story.

Response-Thanks, and I look forward to helping others.

Glad to hear man, take care

-Terry Asher



Disclaimer- In no way is Gym Junkies claiming you can cure Diabetes, if caught in advance you may be able to reverse the effects. For more information please look at Web Md’s article on Diabetes, ALWAYS consult with a doctor or physician.

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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