10 Weird Benefits of Whiskey Drinks


Maximize Your Benefits

If you want to increase your chances of reaping all of these wonderful health benefits, there are a few things you should do. First, you must know your limit. According to the Centers for Disease Control, moderate alcohol consumption is one alcoholic beverage per day for women and two per day for men. Of course, it also depends on your Body Mass Index (BMI). You should also familiarize yourself with local laws regarding intoxication levels.

Interestingly, when you choose to consume whiskey will determine how likely you are to reap all of the health benefits. According to Dr. Oz’s “5 Rules of Healthy Drinking,” you should indulge daily. Saving up for the weekend could result in binging, which for some could be consuming four or more alcoholic beverages within two hours. Not only could this rapidly raise your blood pressure, but it could increase your risk of stroke later in life. The purpose of consuming whiskey should be for both pleasure and health. It should not be for self-destructing consumption or numbing. Remember, you want to maximize your benefits. This means physical as well as mental and emotional benefits. Overconsumption could increase bad cholesterol and cause more anxiety. It could also impair your abilities, so it’s extremely important that you always remember to drink responsibly.

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
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