Legal Steroids Review



Look, supplements are great – they can give you that boost your workout needs, help you maintain focus and give you more energy.

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But it isn’t like some major pill is going to give you amazing results. Unfortunately, there’s no magic involved when it comes to these supplements.

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Despite the fact that a lot of these supplements promise to be the best of the best, more times than not, they don’t give you astonishing results. It’s just a little boost that may end up helping you out in the long run. But if you’re looking for dramatic and effective, odds are, a supplement isn’t the way to go.

Where Can You Buy Legal Steriods?

If that’s what you want, you want to try and go with steroids. It’s just a matter of being able to do it legally. We’ve had a few people ask us about getting legal steroids at places like Walmart, GNC, and other stores. And after doing some research, we do have some answers.

We talked to a few employees at a couple different vitamin stores and asked around to see if they have anything they would want to recommend when it comes to steroids.

Of course, the first stop was just a plain simple “nope, we don’t sell them.” But we dug deeper.

We wanted to know why GNC doesn’t sell any type of steroids. And to put it simply is, they just can’t.

GNC is a store – but it isn’t a pharmacy. If you need to get steroids, then you need to have a prescription for them. A regular store like GNC and Walmart aren’t legally allowed to sell them.

If that isn’t bad enough news, these stores can’t sell anything related like – anabolics. As you may or may not have known, most anabolics have been banned in the United States since as early as 2001.

While a few of these stores had a couple products that were being sold as alternatives to steroids, they aren’t actually the real thing.

The ingredients

When you take a good look at the ingredients list, you will see these products are usually just full of things like amino acids, mass gainers, and protein shakes. Despite these, they do a pretty decent job at showing them as what would be considered legal anabolics.

While you won’t get complete steroids in any of these stores, they have a few products they offer that are close.

Supplements That Are Close To Legal Steriods

Take a look at GNC’s Pro Performance Amp Amplified Mass XXX. With this powder, you will find there is a ton of protein – and by a ton, we mean 50 grams for every serving. On top of that, it also has a decent amount of other ingredient things like L-Glycine, L-arginine, Beta Anhydrous, creatine, and L-Methionine.

Now the people using this product reported some pretty awesome results using this. However, there was one major downside that may be a deal breaker for you. Everyone had terrible things to say about the taste. And we aren’t talking just a mild flavor that is enjoyable. We’re talking a pretty gross taste that may or may not cause you to leave it right back up.

But if you can get past that detail, it might be worth it. There are a ton of positive reviews surrounding this product. A lot of guys who have used this found that they had a lot of gain in muscle, really quick recover times and even a big boost in energy.

On top of having a pretty bad taste, some guys did report acne, stomach pains, and even diarrhea.

Plus, it isn’t exactly the cheapest of products. If you go for a 6-pound tub of it, it’ll cost you nearly $80.

Another protein supplement you will see marketed a lot is the Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer.

Much unlike the one before this, it has tons and tons of ingredients, all of which are supposed to give you the best of everything – carbs, amino acids and nutrients. The thought behind this one is that you will have an energy before your workout but also after.

Almost 100% of users had only positive things to say about this supplement. But it’s important to point out that this supplement is used just for strength and mass. It’s not going to help you drop the pounds. And a 10-pound bag will cost you around $136.

So now that we’ve covered GNC products, what about Vitamin Shoppe and Walmart? Unfortunately, the same rules apply here. They don’t sell steroids – but instead of weight gainers, the reps here pushed for a bunch of different testosterone boosters and HGH supplements.

What About Testosterone Boosters?

Now, testosterone boosters and products with HGH don’t actually boost your growth hormone or testosterone. Instead, what they do is just a similar effect. But if you’re looking for a few good ones, we uncovered a couple for you.

First, we found Ape Alpha Performance Enhancer. This one has a pretty exact promise – it says you will find a 22% increase in free testosterone within 12 hours. But will 22% actually make a difference? You will see a bit more energy and possibly see a growth in size and/or mass.

But one downside is that you may not be able to sleep. Even though there isn’t any caffeine or yohimbine in it, there’s Fenugreek, which may disturb your sleep.

The second supplement we found was HGH Dopa. Apparently, there is only one ingredient in this one, called Mucuna Pruriens. What this is supposed to do is stimulate growth hormone from the pituitary gland.

So far, it’s gotten great reviews – people are noticing a big increase in both mass and strength. No need to worry about missing out on sleep here. In fact people reported having a great night sleep.

So while you may not be able to get your hands on steroids, you will be able to get a few steroid-like products at your favorite vitamin store. One that we suggest is something like Crazy Mass bulking stack. This is one of the supplements that is going to mirror the effects of steroids, so you can get the perks without breaking the law. Crazy Mass is also great if you’re looking to put on some weight.

If you’re trying to drop a few pounds, you may want to try the Crazy Mass cutting stack instead. Either way, both of these are highly suggested and can help you finally reach those goals you have been working hard to achieve.

There are steroids for sale in the market you can purchase legally and have great results.

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Stick with the legal route and avoid using illegal steroids. There are tons of dangerous steroids, despite the fact that a lot of guys use them for competitions. Just keep an eye out for side effects with any supplement you take.

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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  1. I would like to ask about any discounts or even special offers attached to the crazymass legal steroids? I have full info about crazybulk but just wanted to know more about crazymass. Do Crazymass company offer some sort of trial offer?

  2. I have had a very bad experience with injectable steroids in the past, since then i have stayed away from them and always suggest my friends to do the same they aren’t worth the risk. Its always best to use legal supplement although you can compare the results but HEY these have almost mild of zero side effects.


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