Indian GM Diet: Your Ultimate Diet Chart


gm diet plan

Need to drop a few pounds? You’re not alone. Still searching for a good way to do it? If so, we’ve got the inside info on the Indian GM diet chart that’s worked wonders for many.

Are you beach body ready?

With summertime quickly approaching, you’re likely thinking about how to lose that extra weight and fast. .

The Indian version of the General Motors diet chart may just be the ticket to a slimmer you. The vegetarian Indian GM diet is a popular program that is recommended by dietitians in India and is touted as enabling you to lose about 4 to 10 pounds per week. It might be the healthiest and the fastest way to slim down.

This diet chart is a weight loss program that was created by General Motors for their employees. It was originally designed by the General Motors Corporation to make sure their employees had the info they needed to lose weight whenever they wanted to.

The Indian version of the GM diet chart only allows certain foods. These foods are assigned for each day for a week. The vegetarian Indian GM Diet program can be used as often as you like, in theory, without any fear of problems.

Not sure it’s for you?

Don’t worry. We’ll explain everything you need to know about the program to help you decide.

The GM Diet Plan

The GM Diet Plan

GM Diet Day 1

This day’s menu is all about fruit – except bananas. On day 1, you will be eating fruits for the entire day. This will rev up your metabolism and cleanse your body’s digestive system. You should eat whenever you feel hungry. You can eat 20 times a day, but you should eat only fruits. The best fruits to eat on this day are berries, apples, pears, watermelon, and oranges. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water on this day. With that said, don’t drink juice or soda on this day.

GM Diet Day 2

You can eat one boiled potato or sweet potato topped with one teaspoon of butter on this day. You’ll be eating vegetables for the rest of the day. You can eat any types of veggies you like. The best veggies for this day are cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans and bell peppers. Drink a lot of pure water throughout the day. Do not drink juice, soda or milk on this day.

GM Diet Day 3

On day 3, you will be eating fruits and veggies all day. You can eat almost any combo of them. You should eat a wide variety of fruits and veggies to consume the widest spectrum of minerals and vitamins. Do not eat potatoes or bananas on this day. You should drink at least 12 glasses of pure water on this day. Water will fill you up and suppress your appetite.

GM Diet Day 4

You can eat bananas and vegetable soup. Drink skim milk, water and banana shakes on this day. For example, you can eat 8 to 10 bananas and drink three glasses of milk on this day. The GM wonder soup can be eaten on any day of the week. This soup is a delicious, low-calorie vegetable soup. Feel free to eat the GM wonder soup anytime you feel hungry while dieting.

GM Diet Day 5

On day 5, you can eat healthy, protein-rich foods like cottage cheese, paneer, soy bean curds and brown rice. Feel free to include tomatoes and cucumbers in your meals on this day. You should drink at least 10 glasses of pure water to cleanse your system and boost your energy levels.

GM Diet Day 6

Eat brown rice and veggies for most of the day. You can eat any greens and veggies (cooked, baked, or raw). Feel free to eat unlimited quantities of veggies on this day. But, don’t eat potatoes. Eating fish and cottage cheese on this day advised. Don’t forget to drink a lot of pure water. Get ready for the grand finale!

GM Diet Day 7


You’ve made it to the final day of the vegetarian Indian GM weight loss plan. On day 7, an unlimited amount of brown rice, fruits and veggies may be consumed. Two glasses of fruit juice may be consumed along with 10 or more glasses of water on this day. If you desire further weight loss, you can repeat the program again.

Original GM Diet Vs. The Indian Version

Original GM Diet Vs. The Indian Version

The Indian version of the GM Diet program does not vary much from the GM diet western version, apart from the fact that the western version calls for the eating of meat on days 5 and 6. For the Indian version of the GM Diet, cottage cheese can be used as an alternative to beef.

The Indian GM diet program is a popular alternative of the typical General Motors diet. It’s very popular in India because it is vegetarian in nature. Of course, many Indians do not eat beef. Some eat only chicken and others are vegetarian. Many Indian people find this weight loss plan helpful because they don’t have to make major changes to their diet.

Benefits Of The Indian GM Diet Program

Still not convinced this is right for you?

The truth is that it depends on your goals. What follows are the benefits to help you decide.

#1 Improve Your Health

Research shows that vegetarian and vegan diets offer distinct advantages compared to diets that contain meat. The benefits arise from higher intakes of complex carbohydrates, magnesium, vitamins E and C, dietary fiber, folic acid, and carotenoids and lower intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol.

#2 Quick Weight Loss

The biggest benefit of the Indian GM weight loss plan is that it can lead to rapid weight loss if you focus on eating the right foods. It’s also worth noting that long-term vegetarians tend to have less body fat than meat eaters, as reported in a 2012 study published in Nutrition Research and Practice.

#3 Detoxification

The Indian GM diet program improves your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins and waste. Detoxification is about cleansing, resting and nourishing the body from the inside out. The process can help protect you from diseases. It can also renew your ability to maintain optimum health.

#4 It Promotes Better Health

Research shows that vegetarians are 12% less likely to die than meat eaters. Ingredients in red meat are linked to an increased risk of cancer and high blood pressure. Meat is also high in saturated fat. Removing meat from your diet is a good thing for your heart.

#5 Improve Your Mood

The Indian GM diet program could make you happier. According to a study published in Nutrition Journal, a randomized group of meat-eaters reported improved mood status after two weeks of eliminating chicken, fish, and meat from their diets.

#6 Reduce Stress

A recent study published in Nutritional Neuroscience indicates that vegetarian and vegan diets may reduce stress. The study was comprised of 620 meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans. The results showed that an increased veggie and fruit intake resulted in lower stress scores.

gm diet plan3

These Are The Dos Of The Indian GM Diet

Wondering what should you do if you’re on this diet? Don’t worry. What follows are the most important dos to ensure the best success.

#1 Increase Your Water Intake

While on the Indian GM diet, you should consume a lot of water every day. Drinking water before meals will make you feel fuller and reduce your food intake.

#2 Add Spices To Your Meals

Craving salty foods? You can add salt, pepper and other spices to your meals. Don’t go overboard with salt. You should use unprocessed salt or sea salt in small amounts.

#3 Drink Herbal Teas

You can drink herbal teas with zero-calorie sweeteners. Oolong tea and green tea are packed with catechins. This helps to promote weight loss by boosting your body’s ability to metabolize fat.

#4 Eat A Variety of Veggies and Fruits

Fruits and veggies are part of a well-balanced and healthy eating plan. They provide essential minerals, vitamins, fiber and other substances that are important for good health.

#5 Add Exercise to Your Program

If you are following the Indian GM Diet program, you are already taking one step toward a healthier you. Adding exercise to your program can help you excel. Losing weight means changing behaviors in your everyday life. Exercise not only helps you lose weight, but it can also improve your health.

These Are The Don’ts Of The Indian GM Diet

Now that you know what you should be doing, you need to know what to avoid. What follows are the main don’ts when it comes to being on this diet.

#1 Avoid Alcoholic Beverages

The Indian GM diet is a low-calorie diet plan. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories, particularly common beverages such as cocktails and beer. Also, if you drink alcohol while following this diet it may lead to low blood sugar episodes.

#2 Don’t Skip Meals!

Your body is not a car. It does not run well when it is a drop away from empty. It’s vital to keep your fuel levels even throughout the day. By refueling every few hours, you avoid the boom and bust cycle that makes you feel depleted and could also lead to overeating.

#3 Don’t Be Guilty Of Nighttime Overeating

Avoid the pitfalls of overeating at night by not skipping any meals, spreading out your calorie intake throughout the day and choosing healthy, nutritious foods if you’re hungry at night.

#4 Don’t Overlook Your Health Conditions

People who are suffering from heart problems, diabetes or hypertension are advised not to follow this diet program. These people require a special diet in order to recover from their illness and the Indian GM diet program doesn’t fulfill the requirements of such people.

#5 Pregnant Women Shouldn’t Be On This Diet

The Indian GM diet program is not recommended for pregnant women. Following any diet program during pregnancy will affect more than the growing baby. The mother’s health will decline as the body strives to support the fetus during this stage where there is an absence of nutrients.

The GM wonder soup is a vital component of the vegetarian Indian GM weight loss plan. It will provide you with the necessary nutrients and help in the detoxification of your body. The GM wonder soup is a delight to eat and it can be consumed in unlimited quantities on any day of the cycle. Check out the recipe that follows for the GM wonder soup.



4 cups of water

2 drops of olive oil

1/2 teaspoon vinegar

1 carrot

2 mushrooms

1 onion

1/4 of a medium-sized cabbage

1/2 a bell pepper

1/4 bunch of celery

2 medium-sized fresh tomatoes

Pepper and salt



Finely cut the celery, onions, capsicum, cabbage and tomatoes. Put all the ingredients in a pot and cook for about 30 minutes until it becomes tender. Keep on stirring at regular intervals.

BUILD Protein


With its emphasis on vegetables, fruits, and other healthy fare, the vegetarian Indian GM diet is very sensible.

As a health diet, vegetarianism is solid. It produces rapid weight loss and is strong in other areas, such as nutritional completeness and heart health. It’s a nice approach that’s supported by science and could work for your entire family.

Some people use the vegetarian Indian GM diet chart to kick-start their weight loss plan or to trim a few pounds for a special event.


It works. It emphasizes fruits and veggies and nearly guarantees weight loss. The Indian GM diet is safe, nutritious, effective for weight loss and easy to follow. It surpassed other commercial diet programs in multiple areas, including short and long-term weight loss and how easy it is to follow. The vegetarian Indian GM Diet program gives you an easy-to-follow roadmap to a healthier you.

So get ready for effortless quicker weight loss. You should have no hunger and you won’t have to worry about calorie counting. Millions of people all over the world have lost weight with the vegetarian Indian GM Diet chart and you can too! The vegetarian GM diet program is insanely effective. Just how effective? See for yourself.

By Suzana Dos Santos



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