Guide To Understanding Human Growth Hormone (HGH)


Human Growth Hormone

If someone tried to sell you human growth hormone on the street, it would seem a little sketchy. Heal faster, stronger bones, weight loss, better sleep AND anti-aging properties?

Must be too good to be true, but athletes around the world are experiencing all of the above.

Human Growth Hormone received recognition after it was synthesized in a laboratory in 1981 and used as a performance enhancing supplement during baseball’s steroid era in the 90’s. However, HGH is NOT just synthesized substance in a lab, it’s actually a naturally occurring hormone in our bodies.

It’s a hormone that is continually researched to this day showing benefits in improving muscle mass, improving bone density, increasing energy and immune system, and overall health. It works on every cellular organ and promotes growth and tissue repair.

Many may be wary of what HGH is but let’s go through some of the most important questions as it relates to growth hormone, fitness, and health.

What is Human Growth Hormone?

Human growth hormone (HGH) is naturally produced in the pituitary gland. It provides cell growth and regeneration and therefore is critical for retaining muscle mass and strong bone density. All these factors impact the health of human tissue and vital organs. The liver can quickly convert HGH into growth factors after secretion, which is used throughout the body.

What Evidence Is There For The Healing Power Of HGH?

The most compelling evidence of the healing potential of growth hormone is seen through brain injury research. Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch conducted trials to see if HGH replacement therapy could counter the effects of brain trauma. The study was a small sample size but showed great results as participants were able to see improvements in their sleep as their pain decreased. Researchers also have focused this treatment on soldiers suffering from PTSD, who have seen to have a HGH deficiency.

Benefits Of Human Growth Hormone? 

  • Increased muscle strength – Lean muscle mass growth
  • Stronger bone growth/healing
  • Increased fat metabolism/Weight loss
  • Reduced cardiovascular risk
  • Improvement in erectile dysfunction (males)
  • Improved mood and brain function
  • Better sleep

How Much HGH Do I Produce Naturally?

Healthy adult men produce about five nanograms per milliliter in blood circulation. Females also produce HGH for child-bearing. The amount of HGH in men and women begins to drop in the early 20s. People in their 40’s produce about half as much as those in their 20’s, so as age increases the amount of growth hormone decreases.

How Can I Learn If I Have A HGH Deficiency?

A blood test is required to determine an HGH deficiency. The symptoms of low HGH are similar to that of low testosterone. Less muscle mass, fat gain, low sex drive, low energy and overall unhappiness.

Lab values that may indicate low growth hormone are insulin-like growth factor – 1 (IGF-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein – 3 (IGFBP-3). These levels may be tested by your medical practitioner to establish a baseline value and diagnose an HGH deficiency.

Can HGH Be Dangerous To The Body?

High levels of HGH in the body may cause acromegaly (increased bone mass) and gigantism (in children). Taking high amounts of HGH as an adult can shut down the natural production of growth hormone, which is called negative inhibition and your body has a difficult time trying to produce it without extra help. Side effects can occur if taking exogenous HGH but consult with your medical provider before taking any medication of this kind.

Side effects:

  • Heart wall thickening (cardiomegaly)
  • Skeletal changes
  • Bone thickening (jaw)
  • Joint swelling
  • Pain
  • Swelling of hands and feet
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Hyperglycemia

Where can I get HGH?

HGH is only available through a doctor’s prescription. Because of HGH’s ability to help athletes recover from injury and perform, theirs is quite a demand for HGH. But the best way to increase growth hormone is NATURALLY! There are few is also growth hormone secretagogues that may be purchased over the counter such as Dynatropin, 21st Century HGH, Sytropin, serovital, GH freak, deer antler spray and more. You can find HGH supplements at your local GNC, as explained here.

How can I boost HGH naturally?

There are many natural ways to boost HGH and fight HGH deficiency:

  • Exercise/Weight Training – Growth hormone is released naturally through exercise. Lean individuals had twice the amount of HGH as individuals with 3x the amount of body fat, according to one study. The best form of exercise is high-intensity workouts with limited rest, as seen here.
  • Sleep Optimization – HGH is secreted during sleep, the more deep sleep you can get the better. HGH is released through “pulses” during sleep which often occur during midnight or early in the morning. Growth hormone peaks around 9pm-3am. This is why studies have shown poor sleep reduces HGH production. Some experts also suggest not eating a lot before bedtime to avoid increasing insulin levels.
  • Diet – A balanced diet also contributes to HGH levels. And the most important aspect is to reduce sugar intake. For instance, one study found that non-diabetic individuals had 3-4x higher HGH levels than diabetics. One theory is that sugar causes inflammation in the body which has a detrimental effect on the anterior pituitary, in turn, decreasing the amount of systemic growth hormone in the body.

What Supplements Boost HGH?

There are several supplements for growth hormone boosts. Multivitamins will provide small HGH increases and many other supplements have proven effects.

  • Glutamine: Short-term HGH levels can increase by 78 percent following a 2-gram dose of glutamine.
  • Creatine: 20 grams of creatine increases HGH levels for 2-6 hours.
  • Ornithine: This supplement has shown to increase the peak of HGH levels if taken 30 minutes after exercise.
  • L-dopa: 500 mg of L-dopa gave those with Parkinson’s disease a HGH increase for 2 hours.
  • Glycine: Glycine is used for improving gym performance and provide a short-term HGH boost.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C optimizes the release of growth hormone. Make sure to get the daily recommended amount (1,000 milligrams for men).

Additionally, Melatonin is a natural sleep supplement that can improve HGH levels by helping you get better sleep. But as an added benefit, it may also directly contribute to HGH levels.


  • Improves muscle growth/strength
  • Improves sleep, mood, and brain function
  • Enhanced weight loss
  • Natural ways to improve HGH levels – exercise, diet, sleep, supplementation
  • Consult with your consult before taking any growth hormone product

Dr. Jason Phan ND – LIVV Natural Health | Naturopathic Medical Doctor specializing in IV Vitamin Therapy, PRP (platelet rich plasma)/Prolotherapy Regenerative Injections, Men’s and Women’s Health, and Optimal Living.


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Terry Asher

Owner & Founder at Gym Junkies LLC
After changing his best friend’s life by helping him lose over 70lbs, dropping him down to an amazing 7% body fat, Terry was inspired to be a full-time internet trainer knowing he could do the same for many more. In 2010, Terry published his own diet and fitness e-book that can be purchased on this website. Let Terry help you change your body for the better!
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