Easy Weight Loss Diet (With A Meal Plan)

Do you ever get confused by all of those easy weight loss diet plans out there? Yeah me too... Low carb, low fat, high protein, high...

Rage Against the Machines (Why You Should Be Using Free Weights)

You see them in the big boxing gyms. Rows and rows of hinges, pulleys and weight stacks. They stare at you and promise a solution. Each one...

Beginner’s Workout Plan

I want to start working out... what should I do? Today we show you the Beginner's Workout Plan, everything you need to get started! As a...

How to Bench Press

The Bench Press is probably the most popular barbell exercise in every gym. It's an excellent upper body exercise for developing your... Chest muscles ...

How To Deadlift

The deadlift is classed as the king of all exercises when it comes to powerlifting and bodybuilding. In order to do a deadlift, start by...

How To Squat

For a full bodyweight squat you want to put your arms straight out in front of you and make sure they are parallel to the...

How To Do A Shoulder Press

The proper way to start an overhead press is to start by standing with the bar on your shoulders. Push the bar up and...

How To Do A Pull Up/Chin Up

When doing the pull-up hang on the pull-up bar. If you don’t have a pull-up bar, you can use a squat rack. Raise the uprights...

How To Do High Pulls/Upright Rows

Barbell High Pull Skill Level: Advanced Type: Strength Training Equipment Needed: Barbell Main Muscle Group(s): Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Shoulders, Biceps, Abs and Traps Barbell high pulls help develop full-body...

How To Do Dips

Dips are a great exercise that works the pecs and also stretches and helps the flexibility of the shoulder. The first thing you need...