Andro 400 Review, Does It Work?



One of the biggest and most embarrassing problems men deal with these days s less and less testosterone on their bodies. Most men see it as a sign of their manhood fading.

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Testosterone is equated to manliness, so when that drops, so does a man’s manliness. That means everything from his sex drive to his confidence will be impacted. And if that man is you, you’re going to want to keep reading.

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During the teenage years and even in the early twenties, men are at their top-notch testosterone levels. However, once the age of 35 or so kicks in, the levels start to drop. Some men feel it around 35, other men are unfortunate enough o feel it as young as 25. Regardless, starting at the age of 31, most men experience a 1% annual drop of testosterone each year.

At this point, you might be asking yourself, Has this already happened to me? Well, you would know it if it has.

For example, take a look at your waistline. Is there a pocket of fat that hangs there, that didn’t used to be there?

Are you tired and at times, moody?

Are you less interested in sex?

Do you find your strength diminishing?

These are all signs of your testosterone levels dropping.

Things that used to come easily to you – working out, eating healthy, having a healthy sex life – are getting harder as you get older.

Enter Andro 400. This supplement naturally boosts your body’s testosterone. There’s a chance you might have already heard about it, as it’s advertised pretty heavily from the radio to the television.

If you’ve heard the commercial you’ve likely heard more than a couple of men rave about Andro400. They claim they their libidos are like they’re in their teens again, since they have so much more energy. They all claim to have lost weight and even random pains they used to have.

So while this isn’t considered to be testosterone replacement therapy, is this as good as it claims? We needed to find out – we had to find out what’s in Andro400 to make it be able to accomplish all of these things.

Take a look at the ingredients list in Andro 400 and you will see the primary ingredient is Eurycoma Longifolia. This is used to help increase free testosterone levels in your body. It does this first by blocking Gobulin, a sex hormone. From there, SHBG suctions onto these free testosterone molecules, which confuses them and renders them ineffective. That means that these testosterone molecules can run around free and stay active.

We had trouble locating the other ingredients in Andro400. The other two other ones we could find are the two amino acids, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. You might have heard these before, as they are common when it comes to increasing the amount of nitric oxide you’d find in your blood. Nitric oxide is an important part of your body because it opens up all of your blood vessels, meaning blood can makes it way around easily and smoothly.

Because the blood is pumping around, there’s more energy in your body. That results in even better performance, from the gym to the bedroom.

The best part about Andro400: You have two different choices to pick from. You can either get Original Andro400 or bump it up to Andro400 Max. If you have 10 or more pounds to lose (and over the age of 50), experts suggest sticking with Andro 400 Max. This one has double the amount of L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and Eurycoma Longifolia.

The next question of course, is what about side effects?

The website states there are no side effects with Andro 400. There’s one reason why they claim this – because it is completely and 100% natural. We found that this was true as well. According to research, the main ingredient in Andro 400 (Eurycoma Longifolia) can be taken orally for as long as 9 months.

So if you are looking for a completely natural product without wanting to break the bank, Andro 400 is the right choice for you. With its 90-day money back guarantee, there isn’t really much room to go wrong. Plus, if you don’t like the original option, you can always boost it up with the Max.

If you want more information about how low testosterone levels and aging, head over to the company’s website. It has a ton of information about this and can give you even more, guidance on how to take care of it today, instead of waiting for the problem to get worse.

When you’re ready to buy or try the free trial, you can go to the company’s official website. One bottle of it will cost you around $35, making it a lot more cost effective than some of the other testosterone-boosting supplements out there. And like most companies, if you buy more, you will end up saving more. If you decide to get the Andro 400 Max, it will only be about an extra $5 for each bottle.

If you decide you don’t want to go through the company’s website to buy the product, you can head over to Amazon or eBay. But these can skyrocket the price u at $47, so the company’s website is likely your best bet. This product doesn’t seem to be available in stores such as GNC, Walmart, CVS, Vitamin Shoppe or Walgreens, so you won’t be able to get it there.

Because of the price and the effectiveness of Andro 400, we’re going to give this product a ten out of 10 starts. The research and scientific evidence behind this product is enough to show it gets the job done. So if you feel yourself slipping with age, and you want to get a handle on it now, this is the best product to go with. No matter what your age might be, Andro 400 can help you feel like you’re in your 20s again. You won’t feel a day over 25 with this amazing and effective product.

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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