Advanced Bodyweight Workout


Advanced Bodyweight

No gym around? Need some advanced bodyweight workouts to kick your butt?Are you looking to get in great shape and failing time and again?

Do not give up, that’s the first step. I have seen some seriously skinny people build their body into some serious muscle. You too can achieve it. All you need is the best body weight exercises. When you are aware of the top bodyweight workouts, you will be able to get the yoked body you always wanted.

If you are thinking of the gym, you need to know that you can make headway without it and skip the very pushy salesmen and people who don’t know shit about working out. So, even if you do not have a gym membership, you are still in safe hands. You really can churn your body in the right manner by merely following the some simple instructions at home. Here, I am going to talk about some advanced bodyweight workout tips that you can use. Make sure that you are prepared to work hard and focus on making gains.

Advanced Bodyweight Workout Sessions

We must begin with a warning. When you choose this workout, it may end up making you sweat like a pig and you may be too sore to walk down the stairs. If you have barely finished your beginner’s bodyweight workout, this workout may seem to be terribly difficult so make sure you master the first workout. The very first time when I carried out this routine, I had a feeling of needing to throw up and it took me two complete days to not feel sore anymore.

Some of my fitness friends told me however that it gets easier with time as your body keeps adjusting to the stress, something I was very familiar with. 

So, now that you have been warned already, here are some advanced body weight workouts.

If you are sensible enough, you must already know that you are free to make a few variations here and there in order to ensure that you can carry out the routine in the most efficient way possible. However, I am also not asking you to sit on your lazy ass and cut short all the tough parts. You have to work your way in this routine and you have to be prepared to do some really tough body weight workouts.

The idea is to push yourself beyond what your comfort zone is. 

So, it is upon you to check out the details of how much your body can endure and then work accordingly. I am not asking you to burn your body entirely but in the end; you need to put a little extra and stress the muscles so that they build in the best possible way.

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Best Body Weight Exercises And The Need For A Pull-Up Bar

When you are carrying out this bodyweight workout, you will have to use a pull up bar or buy one. Those who do not have one at their home can always head to the nearby park and make use of one there. You can also substitute it with inverted bodyweight rows as well if you are not strong enough to carry out pull-ups and chin-ups.

Warm Up Is Must

Make sure not to forget to warm up. You can run around places, jump over ropes or even pedal on a stationary bike but the key remains that you must carry out some type of warm-up before you decide to perform full bodyweight workouts.

If you are looking to dig a lot more details about the topic, here is the full list.

  • One legged squats; 10 reps. Make sure to have one on each side. This is terribly difficult and so you need to be in optimal shape.
  • Body weight squats; 20 reps.
  • Walking lunges; 20 reps. Divide it such that you perform 1 for each leg.
  • Jump step ups; 20 reps
  • 10 pull ups
  • Dips and bar stools; 10 reps
  • Chin ups; 10 reps
  • Pushups; 10 reps
  • Plank; 30 seconds

This will complete one rotation. If your body permits, you should try and carry out three complete rotations. Do not burn yourself out and take the right amount of rest as and when needed. You need to concentrate upon getting the perfect form even before completing the whole circuit. You do have the option of cutting out on the number of repetitions that you are doing, but never do a rep with half your heart, give it your all. You need to challenge yourself but make sure that you do it in a reasonable manner and do not burn yourself out for the same.


What if You Can’t Do Pull Ups?

I take it that pull ups and chin ups are considered by many to be one of the toughest exercise. A lot of you may be of the opinion that you may not be able to do the right pull ups and in such cases, you can always use inverted body weights as it will help you build your body in preparation to complete a pull up or chin up. All you need is your kitchen table and you will be able to carry out the right routines in a desirable manner.

When you are using a kitchen table, you need to make sure that the table is so built that it will be strong enough to hold on to your weight. Hopefully, it doesn’t break into two or else it could lead to serious accidents.

While this isn’t the best choice that you have, it is better than doing absolutely nothing if you can’t find a bar. While inverted bodyweight rows are pretty tough for a beginner, compared to pull-ups and chin-ups; it is going to be much easier.

Scale Your Routine

As you must already be aware of the fact, the entire bodyweight workout routine is based upon your ability to carry them out. Listed below is a sample routine, which can be used by someone who is already experienced with a beginners workout program.

Make sure to follow the same and it is definitely going to help you build the right kind fit body.

  • Body weight squats; 10 reps
  • Walking lunges; 10 reps
  • Jump-ups; 15 reps
  • Pull ups; 3 reps
  • Dips; 8 reps
  • Chin ups; 3 reps
  • 10 push ups
  • 30 second planks
  • 30 jumping jacks

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So, regardless of what your fitness levels are, you should try and make it a point to keep pushing one level harder. Try to move beyond your comfort zone, it will help you in building your body and increasing lean muscle mass. So, set a limit for your body and then keep pushing until you are improving. Peak fitness isn’t the easiest to achieve but when you are dedicated, I can tell you with time improvements will most certainly happen.

-Terry Asher

P.S Let me know what you think of these advanced body weight workouts, comment below!

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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