Your Guide To Buying Supplements At GNC



When you walk into GNC or Walmart, Target or Costco, you might be a bit overwhelmed by all the selection they have. 

Endless rows and rows of choices, all screaming their promises, with their secret magical ingredients.

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We get that sometimes you just don’t’ want to buy a supplement online. After all, there’s just something a little bit more trustworthy about buying a product in person- you get to hold it, touch it, read every aspect of it.

And sometimes it can be tough to weed out the facts and the company’s opinion. There’s always the matter of having to wait for the supplement to come in. You’d rather just take it then and there, when you know all the facts.

What Should You Look For at GNC?

With that in mind, there are a few things you’re going to want to keep in mind when you head into GNC to try out a supplement. First of all, the employees and representatives in GNC do get paid a commission based on the supplements they sell. So obviously, they might be more inclined to sell certain supplements more than others. And that isn’t exactly going to help you get the results you want.

A lot of the time, what happens is the sales rep makes everything sound so appealing and successful, you don’t even ask any questions – you just give in. And then you get home, all excited to try your new supplement…and you find it doesn’t have any results.

So with all that being said, we’re going to tell you the best pre-workout supplements. Because GNC supplements and their employees can be a bit tough to get through, we will give you sort of a to guide to follow.

But What Should You Actually Buy At GNC?

Here are the products we’ve personally tried and think are the best GNC has to offer.

The first one on our list is Cellucor C4 Extreme. This pre-workout supplement comes in powder form and is one of the most highly rated. The instructions state is it to be mixed with water half an hour before you start exercising.

So what exactly makes it so great? Well, it has about as much caffeine as you’ll find in a cup of coffee, but it looks like the mix of caffeine and Synephrine HCL are what really stick out here. More commonly known as bitter orange, it’s a type of alkaloid that is going to create stimulant-like effects. So when it is coupled with the other mix of ingredients found in Cellucor C4 Extreme, there are going to be some pretty high levels of energy.

In terms of price, you’re looking at about $60 for a 60-serving pack. And, needless to say, it is available at GNC. While it’s pretty top tier for pricing, this is the kind of product that you’re really going to get your money for.

Next up is 1 MR. What is the standard use for – one more rep. This formula is going to make you feel like keep going, even if you’re way past your usual rep range. But unlike Cellucor C4 Extreme, 1 MR actually contains Yohimbine HCL, which is a stimulant. And when this is combined with caffeine, you’re going to get a workout that’s bursting full of focus and energy.

But there are a few side effects that come along with yohimbe, which is why this isn’t number one on our list. These side effects can go from a fever to headaches and nausea. And because it can actually interfere with other medications, you will want to talk to your doctor before you start taking it.

What Other Great Products Are At GNC?

Number three on our list is Force Factor 2, which is yet another pre-workout supplement you’re able to get at GNC. Now, much unlike the other supplements we’ve covered so far, this one is a pill. And because of the digestive system it is going to take a while longer to start working. Designed by rowers from Harvard University, they were looking for a product that would help them during competitions.

Though it doesn’t have any kind of stimulants in it, it uses NO2 production via ingredients such as CoQ10, L-Citrullin, and Lovage Root. If you do a quick Google search on it, you’re going to find a ton of positive reviews, so this is another one you may want to consider.

As a runner-up, we’re going to go with Androrush. This one gets honorable recognition because it has a fantastic price and it’s really effective. Coming in at under $30 for a whole tub, it has some pretty good effects that come with it.

However, it’s generally categorized as a testosterone booster instead of a pre-workout supplement. Regardless, it works pretty well – just has a bad aftertaste.

Our last honorable mention goes out to VPX White Heat. This is for those individuals who are really having a tough time getting through their whole workout. Giving you a killer punch, it has basically the same ingredients as the best pre-workout supplements now – and is one of the most effective supplements out there.

Why it didn’t make our top three: Because you can’t get it at GNC anymore.

However, the last time we checked, it was still available at a couple different retailers, like Walmart and Vitamin Shoppe, but you may want to hurry because we don’t know how long it’s going to last.


Every day, GNC is bringing in different supplements to their shelves, constantly changing up the mix. Because of this, our list might change from time to time. But for now, the supplements we’ve listed above are the best that we’ve tried.

If you’re trying to get that nice lean yet ripped look, than this is the way you want to go. In terms of our personal preference, we tend to steer away from supplements that are high in stimulants, because we don’t like those annoying side effects. And though each supplement will affect each body differently, you may like these options best, because we’ve found them most successful.

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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