Workout Tips and Exercise to Improve Lacrosse Skills


Workout Tips and Exercise to Improve Lacrosse Skills

Lacrosse used to be almost unheard of as a sport. Now, students in high schools and colleges across the country play it regularly, and many treat the game quite competitively.

It takes time and dedication to perfect the skills that give a lacrosse player a competitive advantage.

Read on to find out about some key workout tips and exercises to do that will improve any player’s skills over time.

How To Improve Lacrosse Skills?

Run Drills

The most obvious way to improve lacrosse skills is to start running ball drills every day. Many players like to perform what they call wall ball drills, throwing the ball at the wall 50 times per hand and increasing the number of throws until they can repeat five repetitions each day.

This drill can be an even better way to improve with basic practice equipment like a lacrosse rebounder.

While not technically a workout, committing to this daily at-home practice will certainly improve any player’s game and help him or her get a good workout in.

Work on Core Muscles

Work on Core Muscles

Lacrosse is a contact sport, which makes it important for players to keep their core muscles toned. There’s no need to hit the gym to get in a basic core workout.

Just create a schedule and stick to it, remembering to take active recovery days between strenuous workouts to avoid injuries.

Every athlete has a different fitness level and areas of focus, so most will have to come up with their own core muscle routines. Here’s a sample that can give those who feel clueless a good head-start:

  • Five planks

Ten sit-ups

20 abdominal twists

10 minutes of jumping rope

10 lunges

10 squats

Allow at least 30 seconds of rest between each of the exercises, then repeat it at least three times. These core exercises don’t require fancy equipment, beyond maybe a jump rope, and they don’t take much time.

Most athletes of any age can fit in home workouts to improve their games on the field.

Improve Speed and Agility

Improve Speed and Agility

Lacrosse players need to be able to move fast and maintain proper posture while moving quickly in different directions.

Getting to the point where it comes as second nature on the field will require some focused speed and agility training.

The most straightforward way to improve agility is to start stretching every day, not just before and after games or workout sessions.

Stretching is also a great way to avoid sports injuries since it increases the range of motion and keeps muscles from getting too tight.

When it comes to improving footwork, long runs, ladder exercises, and hill sprints are all excellent activities to throw into a regular at-home training session.

They will also help players work on their stamina to make sure they can keep up throughout the whole game and bring their best moves to the field at crucial moments, so don’t forget that cardio.

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Conclusion: The Bottom Line

Playing lacrosse well takes a lot of skill, but nobody is born with it. The reason professional lacrosse players are so good at the game is that they have devoted the time and energy to getting in peak shape and improving their performance through workouts, drills, and targeted exercise.

Student-athletes and amateurs with big dreams can apply the same ideas to their own workouts to give themselves a competitive edge, no matter what team they play for or how old they are.

-Terry Asher

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Terry Asher

Owner & Founder at Gym Junkies LLC
After changing his best friend’s life by helping him lose over 70lbs, dropping him down to an amazing 7% body fat, Terry was inspired to be a full-time internet trainer knowing he could do the same for many more. In 2010, Terry published his own diet and fitness e-book that can be purchased on this website. Let Terry help you change your body for the better!
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Workout Tips and Exercise to Improve Lacrosse Skills
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Workout Tips and Exercise to Improve Lacrosse Skills
Read on to find out about some key workout tips and exercises to do that will improve any lacrosse player's skills over time.
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Gym Junkies
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