The Shocking Truth about Fruit And How It Effects Your Workout


Truth of Fruit

You may have heard mixed things when it comes to consuming fruit. While fruit itself is a healthy choice, it’s important to know when to consume it.What’s the truth about fruit?

Another very important thing is to understand the difference between fruit and fruit juice for your easy diet plans .

Fruit or Fruit Juice For Workouts

A lot of times my friends will say “Hey I am being healthy I had fruit juice earlier” when in fact it’s doing just he opposite for their bodies. Fruit juice is loaded with sneaky sweeteners and high fructose syrup.

So why do food companies do this?

That’s a fair question to ask, it really comes down to one thing, however, profit. See the large companies want to extend the shelf life of their products, so they add a bunch of unhealthy fillers. You as the consumer are the one that is suffering, however. 

When you consume all the unnecessary ingredients it’s stored as fat.

A good rule of thumb when you’re looking at nutrition labels in general, if you don’t know how or what the ingredient does; is it’s most likely not good for you.

Be sure to check out my other blog article that will explain foods that are the best for bodybuilding.

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Fruit After Work Out?

What about fruit for the best post workout meal, it makes sense to consume healthy options.

Fruit ironically is not the best choice however, and I will explain just exactly why that is.

Fruit contains a higher amount of fructose versus white rice or bread for example. Fructose does not go towards filling your muscle glycogen levels like starch-based foods, as fructose is stored in your liver. It’s important to remember that after post workout the goal is to restore muscle glycogen levels, fruit will do the opposite for you.

Fruit Before Workout and Energy Density

Now you have learned that there are more ideal foods to eat post workout, let’s talk about fruits energy density. One issue with fruit is that it is not very energy dense; this might lead to you consuming more after a beginner workout. Fruit contains about 15-25 grams per piece or cup, for some people this just isn’t enough.

So all together you want to rethink fruit as a post workout snack, and still to starch only foods immediately after the workout period.

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The Advantages Of Fruit In Your Diet

Now you have clear idea why fruit is not the most ideal for post workout, now I will explain the advantages of consuming fruit in general.

Eating fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Fruit will also aid and protect your body from certain types of cancers. Fiber is another positive thing you will find in fruit, which will lower your risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

A lot of essential nutrients are under consumed but by eating fruit you will get potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin c and folic acid.  Potassium his will help you contain healthy blood pressure, fruits that are rich in this are bananas, prunes, peaches, cantaloupe, honeydew and orange juice. The fiber will help you with bowel function and helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The vitamin C is important for growth and repair of body tissue, and will help heal cuts and wounds. Folic acid found in fruit will help red blood cell formation. Be sure to check out my other blog article that will explain foods that will make you gain weight.

BUILD Protein


As you can tell fruit is not ideal for a post workout snack but don’t discredit it when it comes to your overall health. Remember fruit is your friend, but there is a time a place that it’s more effective for your body. Don’t forget that fruit juice is not created equal and is most likely packed with un-healthy fillers or junk. Fruit is great for overall health and wellness, but think twice when consuming it post workout!

Don’t forget that fruit juice is not created equal and is most likely packed with un-healthy fillers or junk. Fruit is great for overall health and wellness, but think twice when consuming it post workout!

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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