Strength Training for Beginners


Girl with Kettlebells

Strength training is one of the best ways to improve your body and overall health.

Today we’ll take a look at what you need to know for beginner weight training and provide a refresh for those who have been in the game for longer. Weight training helps you reach your goals and make you fit and healthy. It also turns out to be extra handy for those who are looking to shed extra pounds as well.

A strong body can do wonders for various aspects of your life and can help you fend off a lot of medical issues as well. Even strength training at home using bodyweight exercises can revolutionize your life and help you build lean muscle.

I totally understand that leaving some old habits and embracing the new ones can be tough and this is why we will take it slow. I will show you a systematic and step by step method to bring about the right kind of change in your life. Time to stop all those countless hours you have spent on endless cardio and start moving weight!

Beginning Weight Training & Bodyweight

The first kind of weight training you can do is bodyweight training. This also great for when you are traveling or don’t have access to a gym. You need the least amount of equipment for this method as you will be using your body’s own weight to stress your muscles. No excuses to miss a workout!

You can do push-ups, dips, pull-ups, sit-ups, crunches, squats and more all from home with minimal to no equipment. If these get too easy for you, you can always add resistance to moves like the pushup by using a platform to raise your feet above your arms. This angle will add additional stress to the muscles and work them from a different angle.

Strength Training  Beginners

How to Start Lifting Weights & Dumbbells

When you are starting your strength training routines, one of the best ways to begin is by using a set of dumbbells. These are the baseline of weight training and can be used for endless exercises. They are cheap to pick up for home, and a huge variety are available at most gyms.

Dumbbells are often preferred to using a straight bar because they require each arm to stabilize itself independently working what are called “stabilizer muscles.” This becomes especially important as you progress to higher weights.


Working out with barbell is another great option as you reach higher levels of weight. If you are looking to improve the amount of strength you have, you should definitely consider barbells as they are going to help you in ways more than one.

As a barbell offers you greater amount of stability, you will find that it will be easier for you to increase the total weight. One possible problem with barbells as a part of beginning weight training is the cost of additional equipment. However, if you can find an affordable gym to try out, you’ll be all set.

If you are wondering as to what is the best approach for strength training at home, go with bodyweight exercises, then move up to dumbbells, then mix in barbells. If you find that strength training is working for you, it will become increasingly more sensible to buy this equipment. But, when you’re starting out, you don’t need to spend a dime!

Choose A Program You Can Stick With

Having no plan is just as useless as having a plan you can’t stick to. So, start small and try to get in three workouts per week. Then bump up to 5 when your body adapts to this regimen.

  • Carrying out 1 to 5 reps will help you in building dense muscles and a lot of strength.
  • Carrying out 6 to 12 reps will build both strength and endurance in your muscles.
  • Those who can carry out more than 12 reps will build immense amount of endurance of muscles and the muscle size will see significant improvements too.

As a beginner, you are likely to get tired after 5 sets comprising of 5 reps but you should constantly try to improve your own records. Here is a sample beginning weight training workout session which you can use.

  • Body weight squats; 20
  • Pushups; 10
  • Walking lunges; 20
  • Dumbbell rows; 10
  • 15 second plank
  • Jumping jacks; 30 in number
  • (Repeat all x 3)

This workout should ideally be repeated for at least 3 times in succession. You have the option of completing a single set of exercise and then resting and proceeding further to the next exercise type as well. As you get better with this workout, you’ll find that the exercises compliment each other such that while one group is working, another is resting.

Strength Training for Beginners

Beginners Weight Training Program

You will find endless number of different weight training for beginners programs and each one of them may have something different to offer. The main idea is it shouldn’t be too easy or too hard. Choosing an extremely easy program means that it won’t affect your body and thereby fail to bring results. At the same time, having an extremely hard program would prevent you from carrying it out daily and thus you won’t see results.

Learn The Right Moves

When you’re starting out, it can be easy to get overzealous. Make sure you focus on learning perfect form before you increase weight. This is one of the most important things I can tell you to keep you safe from injury. Youtube is full of videos that can demonstrate proper form of nearly any exercise you can think of. Always start by trying out a move with just bodyweight. Don’t add weight until you are certain your form is locked in.

What Do You Need To Bring to the Gym?

If you’re new to the gym, here are a few things to bring.

Make sure that you are dressed to work out and not for a fashion parade. Wear clothes you are comfortable in with a comfortable, supportive pair of athletic shoes.

Music is one of the greatest motivators for everyone. Bring headphones and pump the tunes. It helps.

Water. This should go without saying, but weight training requires you to hydrate heavily. Bring lots, drink lots.

Attitude. You have the power to improve your life through fitness. How you approach each workout from a mental standpoint will ultimately play a key role in the results you see.

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Finally, my advice to you is to get out of your comfort zone and try out things. Test your own limits and defy them, but do so safely and without sacrificing proper form. Injury will not help you get fit. Find others who share your goals and this support can help motivate you and keep you moving forward. The first step, is to just get started!

-Terry Asher


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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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  1. My brother and I have started arranging a home gym at his beach house and I want to know what are some good tips for us to get started on weight lifting. I really appreciate you stating that not overdoing it and developing proper form is essential to good weight lifting because my brother is so psyched up about starting his home gym that he may go at it too fast and hurt himself, I’ll be sure to prevent him from doing that. Once we find a place where we can buy some starting strength training equipment, I will take note of the rest of your tips. Thank you!

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