OMEGA XL – Is It Really The Best Omega 3?


omega 3

Since high school Biology classes, the talk of Omega 3 has never really faded away. Many health experts talk about its tremendous health benefits to the human body. Today we explore omega xl. 

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Years of researches and studies have been spent in determining and ascertaining the exact extent of benefits of the Omega 3 to the human’s body.

Coming from both animals and plants, Omega 3 comes from primarily fish oil and krill oil i.e. from the animals’ side and from flaxseed and hemp from the plant’s side. With the emphasize on its importance and the numerous of talks and studies spent on this subject, the Omega 3 has become a multi-billion sector with numerous supplements being manufactured and Omega 3 fortified foods now in the stores all around the world.

Omega 3 is one of the most important nutrients that our bodies need. It’s important in helping in healing of children’s with short bowel syndromes, facilitating children’s learning and behavior, benefiting and nourishing the heart and in regulating the body’s cholesterol triglyceride levels

Now that we know what Omega 3 is, what is Omega XL?

Omega XL is a manufactured product that supplements the body’s Omega 3 requirements.
A company named Great Healthworks makes and distributes Omega XL supplement meant to help deal with joint pain and inflammation. The product is sold on the company’s website though it’s also available on Amazon.

All information on the product including the processing of the product is readily available online on the company’s website. Of course, the company has gone through long efforts to try and distinguish their product from those of its competitors by a demonstration that it has no commonly known side effects that come with fish oil products. It also stresses other superiority of Omega XL over other fish oil precuts.

What’s In Omega XL?

Omega XL contains oil extract garnered from green lipped mussels in New Zealand that are said to be very pure enabling the claim of superiority over other products of the same cadre.

The product is also said to contain 92 different fatty acids- a figure claimed to represent 22 more fatty acids than those in regular fish oil.

What’s the deal with Larry King?

One of the most famous former CNN’s Larry King live host, Larry King, seems to be a prime promoter and champion of Omega XL. In his youtube channel, he claims to have been using the Omega Xl and experienced tremendous benefits. If his endorsement is anything to go with, I wouldn’t know.

Pro’s Of Using Omega XL

  • money back guarantee

Omega XL has 90-day money back guarantees which provide insurance to the consumers and brings about peace of mind when starting to use the product.

  • cleaner and pure sources of its oil extracts

Since its oil extracts come from the green lipped mussels in New Zealand, the Omega XL is considered to be from one of the purest and cleanest places on earth compared to its competitors.

  • Open demonstration of product source of oil extracts and product making process

The website includes a detailed and clear video of how the product is made and the source of its extracts. This goes a long way to building the consumers’ confidence whilst assuring them of the quality, performance, and superiority of the product

  • price

There is an introductory price of $50 per bottle for the first two bottles which is half the actual price of the product. This encourages people to buy and affords them savings while starting to use the product.

  • Side effects

Omega XL boasts of non-occurrences of common side effects associated with other fish oil products. This may be attributed to its purity.

Cons Of Using Omega XL

  • availability

Its unavailability in common brick and mortar stores is a big let down to consumers. Still, it’s only available online from Amazon or its mother website making it hard to access for many.

  • Lack of sufficient and educative information      

I guess as the company stresses on the superiority of the Omega Xl, it ignores or forgets to give detailed information on the product including the purposes of the fatty acids in the body and other information that can make consumers more informed about the product. This makes consumers hard pressed in coming up with an informed decision as facts to base that would help them make the right decision are usually omitted in Omega XL packages.

  • Ingredients are not specifically listed

The mention of 92 fatty acids does little to help consumers understand the ingredients used to achieve that.

Where To Buy Omega XL

Omega XL is usually packaged in packages if 60 gel capsules with a price tag of about $100. Of course, it also comes with a 90-day money back guarantee which provides some cushion to many people who may be skeptical about its performance. Apart from the company’s website which lists only USA and Canada, Omega XL isn’t sold in any other places apart from Amazon. Most retail brick and mortar retail outlets do not stock Omega XL. Customers from other countries may need to inquire on the available channels of delivery before they can order

Omega XL Reviews

There are numerous customer reviews that have been given concerning omega XL. Some of them are good with claims of actual performance, some are bad and some average. Just like any other products. The claim of superiority over other fish oils doesn’t seem to help in achieving better customer reviews nor experience.

This I guess is because the capitalization on consumers fears of contamination of fish with heavy metals as a strategy to place higher premiums on their product while implying that competitor’s products may be a contaminated place higher expectation in consumers which if not met leads to bad reviews.

Nevertheless, if you want to try a new product in the realm of Omega 3 fatty acids and see if it works, I would recommend to try out Omega XL for a change.


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Terry Asher

Owner & Founder at Gym Junkies LLC
After changing his best friend’s life by helping him lose over 70lbs, dropping him down to an amazing 7% body fat, Terry was inspired to be a full-time internet trainer knowing he could do the same for many more. In 2010, Terry published his own diet and fitness e-book that can be purchased on this website. Let Terry help you change your body for the better!
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