What Foods Are High In Carbs?

When you walk through the grocery store, you may flip over the back of products to see what kind of nutritional value everything has. Foods...
Catalyst Athletics

Catalyst Athletics – Whats It All About?

You go to the gym to build your strength, improve your endurance and boost your overall level of health. If your gym is like...

Dumbbell Pullover – Should You Add Them To Your Chest Workout?

When you head out to lift weights at the gym, what is the first lift you go for on upper-body day? Chances are, it...
Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat – Why You Should Add It To Your Workouts

You've heard it a million times before: you can't skip leg day. Yes, we all love giant biceps and full chests, but if you're...

Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers – How They Can Help You

 Do you find when working out at the gym you're able to run mile after mile on the treadmill but try to sprint 100...

9 Best Ways to Lose Butt Fat for Men

Worried about the extra pounds you’re carrying on your rear end? Is there any magical way to get rid of the ‘cottage cheese’ on...
Front Squat

Front Squat – How To Use Them In Your Workouts

Interested in grabbing the attention of someone you've had your eye on? Don't spend all of your time at the bench press or curling...

Gelatin Capsules – What Are The Best Types Of Capsules?

You walk into the vitamin store to pick up a few supplements when you stop dead in your tracks. There literally are a billion...

Arnold Press – How To Use It In Your Workouts

Whether looking to pack on the muscle or blast away fat, you head to the gym to improve your physical health. If you're aiming...
Peak Fitness by Staying Active

Does Running Build Muscle Or Hurt Gains?

 Whether you love it or loath it, running is one of the oldest forms of staying in shape, burning calories and improving your fitness....