Amino Prime Review


Amino Prime

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Amino Prime Review: Does It Work?

We know all the elements of getting into shape – eating healthy, exercising, being active and getting lean. But we also know that sometimes, the motivation just isn’t there. Whether you’re tired of your current routine or just reached a plateau, lack of motivation majorly slows down your results. This can wreck some major havoc on your end result.

So what can you do? Some people look to supplementation to help them get their act together and go to their result a lot faster. That’s a good first step. But there are so many different options to pick from. And they all promise basically the same thing. So how are you supposed to choose?

A clean pre-workout supplement is a good way to get this boost you need. And while there are many different options for you to pick from, one of the newer products is Amino Prime. At the very least, it’s considered a nitric oxide booster, which can help you do a number of things, from increase your pumps to build leaner muscle and gain strength, to increase your overall energy and endurance. But there’s another added bonus – it claims to increase your libido, too. Sounds pretty interesting, right? We had to take a look for ourselves.

Amino Prime Ingredients

So while the Amino Prime formula is proprietary – this means that while the company does tell you what’s in it, they don’t tell you how much of an ingredient there is or what exactly the combination or strengths are. One of the ingredients is Taurine. As you may know, this is an amino acid that serves as a precursor for nitric oxide. Because this can help improve your blood flow, there’s going to be a better transportation of both oxygen and nutrients to your muscles when you need them the most.

Another ingredient is Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate. This also serves as both an amino acid to nitric oxide, which means you have double the amount working to get you the results you’re trying so hard for. Next is beta alanine, which gives you major strength and endurance. This means you will be able to stay longer at the gym and recover from your sessions faster. And of course, like most products, it does have caffeine in it to keep you going longer.

In terms of dosage, an hour to an hour and a half before your workout, you should take about 3 capsules for best results.

There are a few different popular muscle stacks you can take with this supplement, too. These include Amino Prime with Niwali Testo Boost, Muscle Rev X or even Muscle Factor X.

One of the biggest perks about Amino Prime is the fact that it doesn’t have a ton of ingredients you can’t pronounce. It has a pretty simple ingredient list, so it appears to be pretty decent in that regard.

Side Effects of Amino Prime

There are quite a few downsides, though. One of the disadvantages is the price. It’s a bit expensive so if it doesn’t work for you or you don’t like it, you might feel like you’re wasting your money.

While the website does promote a “free trial offer,” we discovered it isn’t really free. You’ll be automatically billed for the supplements once you sign up for this so-called free trial offer.

Another not-so-great aspect is the fact that there isn’t any kind of evidence that Amino Prime actually works. There aren’t any independent reviews that state the effectiveness of the product. If there are any kind of clinical studies done to prove its effectiveness, that’s new to us, because there aren’t any cited. Not exactly the most promising when it comes to backing up your research.

Our Amino Prime Recommendation

So if you still decide you want to buy it, you’ll have to order it through the free trial selection on Amino Prime’s website. You buy a full sized bottle of the product and only have to pay for what it costs to ship it. From the day you place you order, you start the 14-day trial period. That means if you don’t want the product, you have 2 weeks from the day you ordered to cancel it. And if you don’t, you’re going to be charged $80 a month.

This small little detail is hidden under the heading of “satisfaction guarantee.” It isn’t even under the terms and conditions heading – it’s under the wrong one, so most customers don’t even read it. Because so many different users end up getting caught in this trap, they have a really hard time trying to cancel it.

There’s also af pretty big push o other websites, like Muscle Rev X and Trig X2. It doesn’t really matter if you mix these together – it doesn’t cause any extra amazing benefits. All of these websites are paid for by both companies so they’re trying to increase their overall profits by making it seem like you need the combination of the two.

You might have been able to guess this by now, but we aren’t exactly a fan of this product. We think there are a lot of sneaky elements to be taken into consideration here. While it’s common for a manufacturer not to list the exact measurements of ingredients, there are a few other sketchy details that are going on here. It definitely appears that the company’s sole interest is getting your money and nothing else. So odds are, it isn’t going to do much to help you out.

protein powder


The good news is there are a ton of other products to choose from and many of these other products are actually interested in making sure you get results, not just them getting money. Because most companies care about their reputations, you can trust the products that have clinical studies and solid evidence to back up their claims of how great their product is. It’s better to go with a more reputable company so you know what to expect and what you’re getting into beforehand. Otherwise, you may end up with a not-so-great experience and be stuck paying for it.

Overall, we can’t give Amino Prime more than 2/5 star rating.

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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  1. I had pretty good results on this… Do you recommend anything else?

    I know there are a lot of Amino acid products out there…



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