Have a Positive Attitude in the GYM



Let’s get some things clear, having a lean body and healthy eating habits is an absolutely achievable goal for you- but it requires a lifestyle change, not just short-term “dieting” to look better in a swimsuit during the summer.

Poor attitude will get you nowhere, so that’s the first thing you must prepare before stepping foot in the gym. You must actually set a goal and believe you can achieve it. The truth is you can achieve it.

Have a Positive Attitude in the GYM

Here are some of the lame excuses I hear from people:

-“I know I should exercise, but I just can’t seem to make myself do it”

My advice is simple; don’t have negative thoughts about working out. Don’t use the words “hate” or “make myself do it”. This of it this way: It’s not punishment, like detention. It’s physical activity, like gym class! Focus on the all the great things exercise does for your body instead of focusing on how much weight you should lose or gain for that matter.

-“I just don’t have the time”

Thirty minutes daily is just 1/148 of your whole day. I think you can pencil in some gym time

-“I’m embarrassed to be seen exercising”

Don’t be embarrassed to be seen exercising- be proud! Eventually, you will feel less self-conscious about working out, even in a gym.  Remember: You’re doing this for YOU, not the person next to you.

-“Exercise is really hard for me”

Work out at your own pace. That’s why training programs specifically have phases to make sure your body is acclimated correctly.

-“I’m so out of shape, I don’t even know where to begin”

That’s why you’re here reading this blog post. Maybe this is your start? Like I said before move at your own pace, make goals and make them more difficult every week so you know you are progressing.

– “I was doing pretty well until I got sick (or busy, or went on vacation, etc.)”

This comment makes as much sense as saying, “I ate five popcorn kernels so I decided to eat the whole bag.” You can always restart exercising and you can always put down the snack bag before it’s empty. No one’s schedule is perfect, but you must try to stay as consistent as possible. I suggest you actually write your workout on your calendar and MAKE TIME!

So now that I have addressed and shattered most of the excuses out there, it’s time to adopt that positive attitude, pencil down your goals and achieve them. Believe and you will achieve

Let’s get some things clear, having a lean body and healthy eating habits is an absolutely achievable goal for you- but it requires a lifestyle change, not just short-term “dieting” to look better in a swimsuit during the summer.

Poor attitude will get you nowhere, so that’s the first thing you must prepare before stepping foot in the gym. You must actually set a goal and believe you can achieve it. The truth is you can achieve it.

Here are some of the lame excuses I hear from people:

-“I know I should exercise, but I just can’t seem to make myself do it”

My advice is simple; don’t have negative thoughts about working out. Don’t use the words “hate” or “make myself do it”. This of it this way: It’s not punishment, like detention. It’s physical activity, like gym class! Focus on the all the great things exercises does for your body instead of focusing on how much weight you should lose or gain for that matter.

-“I just don’t have the time”

Thirty minutes daily is just 1/148 of your whole day. I think you can pencil in some gym time

-“I’m embarrassed to be seen exercising”

Don’t be embarrassed to be seen exercising- be proud! Eventually, you will feel less self-conscious about working out, even in a gym.  Remember: You’re doing this for YOU, not the person next to you.

-“Exercise is really hard for me”

Work out at your own pace. That’s why training programs specifically have phases to make sure your body is acclimated correctly.

-“I’m so out of shape, I don’t even know where to begin”

That’s why you’re here reading this blog post. Maybe this is your start? Like I said before go at your own pace, make goals and make them more difficult every week so you know you are progressing.

-“I was doing pretty well until I got sick (or busy, or went on vacation, etc.)”

This comment makes as much sense as saying, “I ate five popcorn kernels so I decided to eat the whole bag.” You can always restart exercising and you can always put down the snack bag before it’s empty. No one’s workout schedule is perfect, but you must try to stay as consistent as possible. I suggest you actually write your workout on your calendar and MAKE TIME!

So now that I have addressed and shattered most of the excuses out there, it’s time to adopt that positive attitude, pencil down your goals and achieve them. Believe and you will achieve

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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