Total Gym Fit vs Total Gym XLS


Total Gym Fit vs Total Gym XLS

Accessibility to the gym should always be our number one priority, thanks to the increase in the number of people understanding the benefits of keeping fit globally. However, the question of becoming a member of a gym or just working out from your home still lingers.

 The one question we all need to ask ourselves is, what suits me best?

 Many folks are busy most of the time, and sparing some time for the gym can be quite a daunting task. The schedules have led to an increase in demand for home gym solutions. Owning a home gym can be quite a costly affair for some people.

However, dozens of methods are applicable for achieving the same results at the comfort of your home and much more cheaply. The use of weight-free gym equipment is one way of cost-cutting practice championed by Total Gym.

 The company has the Total Gym XLS, and the Total Gym Fit models as the number one home-gym choice by their clients. In this article, we will offer you a broader view of the two makes, benefits, differences, and resemblances.

Total Gym Fit

 The total gym fit is a more advanced version of the total gym xls. There are more functionalities and flexible options to the total gym fit, making it the number one choice between the two.

 It is made of a much more robust and superior raw material that can hold extra 50-pound weight. The good thing about the total gym fit is it comprises all the features found on the XLS together with a double inclining resistance option for the user.

 The total gym fit has another new option of accessories present, like the new squat stand. The tool is the best option for people who want to take control over the machine’s inclination ability with a more advanced gym setup.

 It well suits people who want to use it for an extended period. The tool comes with a lifetime warranty for the frame including two years for the movable sections. However, the unit is not recommendable for people who need the same gym equipment but on a budget.


  • It has many adjustment levels.
  • Adjustable auto-lock systems.
  • The weight limit of up to 450lbs supports most body frames.
  • It offers a great aesthetic feel.
  • It provides up to 85 exercises.
  • It has the Abcrunch, leg pulleys, squat stand, and the 2-piece wing attachment options.
  • Disadvantages
  • It is much costly when compared to the XLS model.

 Total Gym XLS

 Total Gym XLS

 The xls is considered as the best seller at total gyms’ home workout equipment. It comes fitted with a back/headrest at the end together with flexible incline glider properties.

 The total gym xls is made to support 80 unique exercises.

They come stored in 5 DVDs and a wall chart. Using this unit, an individual can achieve a complete body simulation from the upper, core, lower, and even the cardiovascular areas.

 A single DVD has 12 different exercises that an individual can choose. The workouts last at a range of between 6-8 minutes, including 35 illustrations present on the chart.

 The total gym xls best suits individuals in need of a complete body exercise. It is not recommendable for people weighing more than 400 pounds, thus creating space for the total gym fit lovers.


  • It is highly recommended by its users.
  • The weight limit is also favorable to many users.
  • Its unique ability of foldability makes it space-efficient.
  • Easy to use due to pre-installing.
  • It is more pocket friendly compared to the total gym fit.


  • It has a much lower weight capacity compared to the total gym fit.
  • Minimum add-ons than the total gym fit.


 • Both tools support heights with limits of 6’5″

 • Both come with exercise guides on DVDs.

 • They are not bulky and are maneuverable.

 • Both have a month free trial with a $1 fee from the developers’ website.

 • They consume less space as compared to a complete gym with weights.

 • They contain a high value for money.

 • The xls and gym fit are fun and much effective home exercise solutions.

 • The provider companies have a fast and responsive customer team for their products.


 • The XLS comes with five DVDs for exercising, whereas the total gym fit has six.

 • The XLS has a total weight limit of 400lbs while the total gym fit has 450lbs.

 • The warranty on parts for the XLS is only six months, whereas that of the total gym fit is two years.

 • The XLS does not contain the auto-locking system used for height adjustment, while the gym fit model has it.

 • The total gym has twelve levels for inclination, while the XLS only has six.

 Benefits of Total Gym Fit and XLS

 Benefits of Total Gym Fit and XLS

 Pocket friendly.

 Building a complete gym with all the equipment is extremely expensive. The total cost of owning one has an upward scale of up to $5000. However, you can cut the price by more than half when you use total gym home equipment.

Achieving a gym membership’s critical pillars, including endurance, muscle building, and stretching, is still guaranteed.

 Improved flexibility

 Engaging your core muscles by use of your body weight when training is effective in improving balance. An excellent example of this is muscles found in the limb that offers you the assistance of completing motions.


 The chances of having injury during and after exercise are highly minimal due to the elimination of heavy tools.

 One can always disengage from an exercise in case of exhaustion without an external source of help.


 The success of an overall workout is always observed through muscle stimulation. When one applies body weight in the exercise, the results are quickly noticeable.

 Multiple exercise routines

 Bodyweight training offers you a variety of exercises that are achievable compared to weight training.


-Terry Asher

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Terry Asher

Owner & Founder at Gym Junkies LLC
After changing his best friend’s life by helping him lose over 70lbs, dropping him down to an amazing 7% body fat, Terry was inspired to be a full-time internet trainer knowing he could do the same for many more. In 2010, Terry published his own diet and fitness e-book that can be purchased on this website. Let Terry help you change your body for the better!
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Total Gym Fit vs Total Gym XLS
Article Name
Total Gym Fit vs Total Gym XLS
Total Gym XLS, and the Total Gym Fit models as the number one home-gym choice by their clients; the two makes, benefits, differences, and resemblances.
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Gym Junkies
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