Fat Burn X Does It Work?


Fat Burn XMost of the world has one major thing in common: They want to lose weight. They want to drop the fat – and fast. And while a lot of products claim to do just that, that isn’t always true.

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But there’s a new fat burner on the market that’s starting to turn heads. Is it worth it, or is it just another case of excellent advertising?

We decided to find out.

Fat Burn X, which is calling itself the “new supplement you need to try,” is the supplement we’re talking about.

When we decided to give it a shot for ourselves, we started with the basics, which is looking to see what exactly it is.

That’s when we ran into our first problem. Trying to find legitimate information on Fat Burn X isn’t exactly a simple task. There are a bunch of reviews on it, but it seems as though those people haven’t actually used the product.
When we headed over to the official website, it claimed that this product is considered the latest and great in fat burning because it has a whole new formula. This formula, it says, was born after years and years of trials shown it to be effective.

The disappointing part?

There is barely any indication as to what that formula is. Besides green tea, grapefruit extract and caffeine, there isn’t much of an ingredients list.

Fat Burn X Ingredients

We decided to go ahead and order a bottle, hoping we’d get a more in-depth ingredients list with it. And we got lucky – it did. The list includes citrus Aurantium, green tea, psyllium husks, garcinia Cambogia extract, juniper berry, and apple cider vinegar.

One thing we do suggest – be careful the first few times you decide to take this. Because it doesn’t include how much caffeine is in it, you want to err on the side of caution with this.

The bottle says that you need to start your day off with 2 pills in the morning. But if you are sensitive to caffeine, try starting with just one.

Do a quick Google search of Fat Burn X stacking and you will find some pretty amazing results. The Internet is full of talk of mixing this supplement with the licks of alpha rush pro, elite test 360, and ripped muscle X.

And of course, there’s usually a celebrity or two name dropped in there. The theory is that this insane combo of supplements provides insane weight loss and extreme muscle gain.

But there isn’t much evidence to support these claims. So our review is based on our experience alone.

If you decide you want to give it a try for yourself, your easiest answer is to go to the company’s website. Talk to your friends at Vitamin Shoppe or GNC and they will likely say they haven’t heard of it.

Fat Burn X isn’t the cheapest of supplements, either. It’s about $90 for a supply that will last you a month. Like with most companies, the more you get, the more you save. So if you decide to buy 3 bottles, you will get 2 more for free.

And if you want to try before you buy, you do have a free trial option. But notice that it says trial, not sample. With trials, there is a small shipping fee that you’re responsible for. This is generally $5 or less, but there’s a catch: You will automatically be enrolled in the order if you don’t cancel after your trial. Of course, you can call and cancel anytime, but the point is you have to actually do it to avoid being charged. A lot of guys miss this part and end up getting charged without realizing it.

Just like with trying to find the ingredients in Fat Burn X, trying to find reviews were pretty tough too. It seems like the general consensus is that is doesn’t do much for the price it’s sold at.

How to Take Fat Burn X

Within taking our first dose, we instantly noticed there was a jump in energy. Our guess is this is from the caffeine. And while it isn’t a massive increase, it is definitely there. If we had to put it in terms of coffee, we would say it is about a cup or two of strong coffee.

Fast-forward two weeks, and we were down 5 pounds.

Now when you take a weight loss supplement, your goal is simple: You want to lose weight. And for some people, just the mentality of taking a weight loss pill is enough to push them into eating healthy and working out more. Regardless, we saw results and it was encouraging.

Fat Burn X Pro’s & Con’s

One downside: Around week 4, the whole increased energy started to decrease. This could be because our bodies started to get used to the amount of caffeine in each capsule.

There seems to be a lot positives and negatives to taking this product. While it can’t hurt to give it a try, it is definitely more expensive than other products. In fact, on average, you’re looking at spending about $35-$45 more on Fat Burn X than you would on any other supplement.

And while this didn’t happen for us, some people did complain about an upset stomach.

The thing that really sticks out to us is the ingredients list. It has all the right kinds of items to give you killer results and nothing sticks out as very damaging or unsafe to take.

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So we say, if you can afford it, give it a try. While it is pretty pricey, you might find it is exactly what you need to finally get the results you want. Or if you don’t want to fully commit, give the trial a try. Just make sure you remember to cancel it if you don’t want it. Our suggestion: Mark the day your trial is up on your calendar or phone and make sure you call that day to cancel. Though with the pretty decent results we had ourselves, you might just

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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