10 Best Fitness Gifts


10 best fitness gifts

Christmas is right around the corner. That means you have to start buying presents. Here are the best options for the fit friends and family on your list.

Finding a useful fitness gift can be quite the challenge regardless of whom you’re shopping for. Depending on your fitness knowledge, being able to discern between what is junk and what is useful can be the difference between giving a gift that will be used daily versus one that’ll be thrown out or left in the back of a closet.

To ensure that you’ll be able to be the best gifter you can be for the fitness fanatic in your life, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 fitness gadgets to give as gifts this year.

This comprehensive guide will make shopping season as easy as possible.

You’ll look like an expert!

#1 TRX

The TRX has been around for a few years, and while many have seen it at the gym, few have actually stopped and tried to use it. It offers a home suspension training system that looks more intimidating than it is.

Whoever you give this to will probably need to learn how to use it. But, once they do, they’ll be able to get in complete body workouts at home using nothing but their body weight and the TRX system. The system comes with a complete DVD training program that will guide first timers or experts and showcase the numerous exercises that can be performed with it. This is great for people with limited space who want to get a full workout without the clutter of a weight rack or a bench. It can also be a great gift idea for someone who travels often and wants to stay in shape.

This is great for people with limited space who want to get a full workout without the clutter of a weight rack or a bench. It can also be a great gift idea for someone who travels often and wants to stay in shape.


The TRX is extremely portable and can be attached to nearly anything. The portability is a great distinguishing factor and a main reason why the TRX is a great gift for anyone who wants to work out how they want, where they want.

#2 Training Mask

If you watch pro sports, you’ve probably seen athletes wearing one of these during their pre-game warm-ups. These masks are the real deal in simulating high altitude training and will make you look tough at the same time. Using the training mask during your workout will let you increase your lung capacity, as well as increase your oxygen efficiency.

The mask is able to simulate training between 3,000 and 18,000 feet depending on which breathing resistance you set it to. It works by reducing airflow through the valves on the mask, essentially making breathing more difficult. This trains your lungs to take deeper breaths and to use your oxygen more efficiently. It should be noted that this gift should only be given to people who are in good health, as well as near an expert level of exercising.

Reducing airflow is a rather extreme, albeit effective, method for training that may scare off beginners and could harm those with health problems. That being said, this is a great gift for hardcore fitness enthusiasts who want to take their exercising to the next level. 10 best fitness

#3 Xbar

The Xbar is similar in functionality to the TRX. How? It provides an all-in one home trainer that takes up very little space. What separates the Xbar is that it uses more than just body weight. A quick explanation of the Xbar is that it’s a modified E-Z Curl bar that comes with multiple training bands.

These bands can be attached to the bar and used to do almost any exercise. The bands allow you to transform the bar into a full body workout that lets you target every possible muscle group. It’s certainly less intimidating than the TRX and has added functionality because it doesn’t need to be attached to anything.

You can use it standing up or lying down. The only area you’ll need is enough room for your body to extend to do each exercise. Many like it because it provides a physical bar to grab on to. As a result, the exercises feel very similar to how they’re done at the gym using the real equipment. This bar does a great job of simulating lifting weights, thereby letting users adapt to this training gadget more easily.

This bar does a great job of simulating lifting weights, thereby letting users adapt to this training gadget more easily.

#4 A Fitness Tracker

Fitness trackers have been around for a few years now, but the technology inside of them is only getting better. These pieces of wearable tech are great options to keep track of your daily fitness goals and movements. The most basic versions of these will count your steps and track how many calories you’ve burned throughout the day.

They are an ideal gift for people looking to begin their fitness journey and who want to keep track of their daily calorie intake and burn. Other versions provide a heart rate monitor that will keep you aware of how intense your training is in real time.

Even more advanced options have the ability to track you through GPS, letting runners keep an eye on the distance and the routes they typically run. The majority of fitness trackers are worn like a watch and come in all types of shapes and styles.

Due to their popularity, as well as the diverse options available, you should buy one that meets the needs and personal style of the person you’re giving it to.

#5 Titin Weighted Apparel

These weighted gym clothes look more like body armor or football pads than functional fitness apparel. But, they’ll add significant burn to your workout. Titin makes a variety of weighted clothes such as shorts and compression shirts that hold weighted gel inserts. These allow the user to carry excess weight comfortably during cardio or bodyweight exercises. The gel weight system helps to evenly distribute the weight across your body, making sure the impact received from the clothing is spread out correctly across your muscles.

The main advantage of this method is that most other weight vests apply the weight to the user’s shoulder.

This can create poor posture. 

These allow the user to carry excess weight comfortably during cardio or bodyweight exercises. The gel weight system helps to evenly distribute the weight across your body, making sure the impact received from the clothing is spread out correctly across your muscles. The main advantage of this method is that most other weight vests apply the weight to the user’s shoulder. This can create poor posture. T

The main advantage of this method is that most other weight vests apply the weight to the user’s shoulder. This can create poor posture. Titin’s ability to spread the weight across the upper body ensures that the user’s posture won’t be compromised, making Titan less of an injury risk than other weighted clothes. The gear can be used to help grow explosive strength in movements such as broad jumps, vertical jumps, and sprints. This can be a great gift for athletes who are looking to take their training to the next level.

The gear can be used to help grow explosive strength in movements such as broad jumps, vertical jumps and sprints. This can be a great gift for athletes who are looking to take their training to the next level.

#6 RunPhones

Wireless headphones have been popular among gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts ever since they first hit the market. Not having to worry about the cord getting in your way or getting caught on a piece of equipment has made wireless headphones a must have. But, even wireless headphones have their pitfalls.

They can be uncomfortable and fall out. That’s two big annoyances that can interrupt the flow of your workout. The solution to these problems is RunPhones, the newest innovation in wireless headphone tech. It is a pair of headphones placed inside of a headband/sweatband. This will allow for maximum comfort while running, as well as avoid any irritation that in-ear headphones can cause. The speakers are removable, so you can wash the headband like you would your normal gym clothes.

With safety in mind, the headband is thin enough so that you can still hear your surroundings. RunPhones make a perfect gift for anyone looking to replace their headphones, as well as for those who may want a comfortable solution to listening to music when running or exercising. Fitness gifts

#7 The Hapifork

This is clearly less of a gym product and more of a diet product. But, it should be a key staple of any exercise enthusiast’s daily routine. It is especially great for anyone on a diet that is trying to lose weight and make sure they’re eating less. It’s no secret that eating too quickly can cause you to overeat.

This, in turn, can lead to bad digestion and poor weight control.

Eating too fast can also cause issues with portion control, which is a major cause of weight gain. The Hapifork finds a solution to accidental speed eating by tracking how often you are bringing your fork to your mouth per minute, as well as per meal. This is then tracked and recorded and the stats are presented to you on your phone through the Hapifork app. It provides a great way for you to track your progress with each meal.

Even more impressive is that the Hapifork can alert you during the meal if you are eating too fast by gently vibrating if your fork is moving to your mouth too much, too fast. This is a very simple solution to a common weight loss problem and is an ideal gift for anyone starting a New Year’s diet.

#8 SmartMat

This isn’t for everyone. But, it is absolutely for the yogi in your life or for someone that wants to do a better job of stretching. The SmartMat is exactly what it sounds like, a smart yoga mat. It can be useful for both beginners and experts.


It has the ability to read your posture and poses and track them in its corresponding app. For beginners, the SmartMat is a great intro to yoga as it calibrates your body shape, size and personal limitations upon initial set up. From there it’s able to measure your alignment and balance while you perform each pose. The SmartMat can then determine what is considered a perfect pose for your body and will let you know when you’re achieving one.

You can let the SmartMat teach you new poses, and correct ones that you already know, making it a valuable resource for anyone wanting to learn or fine-tune their yoga skills. Whatever your yoga desire is, the SmartMat is a great tool to learn and train with correct form personalized for your unique body.

#9 Sensoria Fitness Socks

Yes, you read that right. No, this isn’t a joke.

Sensoria’s fitness socks are the real deal for running and workout enthusiasts. Much like most other fitness trackers, these fitness socks can tell you how far you’ve run or walked, and how many calories you’ve burned. What separates these fitness socks from anything else is that they monitor your foot landing technique and your cadence. This will make sure that your form is improving every time you run.

One of the coolest features of these socks, and the app they’re integrated with is the virtual shoe closet. This lets you compare which shoes give you peak performance. The shoe closet features over 7,000 types of athletic shoes. This means you can compare practically any pair of athletic shoes you own. These are a great gift for anyone that’s serious about running or who wants to change running styles.

#10 Trigger Point Foam Roller

With all of the exercise that people will be performing due to these other gifts, chances are they’ll want a way to help their muscles recover. The Trigger Point Foam Roller is the next evolution in foam rolling.


You don’t need to lie on the ground to use it as a traditional foam roller. Its small design also means that it is easy to carry, so it can be used wherever you need to take care of your aches and pains. The sleek design will let you roll over large and small muscle groups, meaning you can relax and massage every part of your body.

This provides a great way to relax after a hard workout, as well as to help prevent any tightness or soreness in your body. Using this gadget will help keep your body fresh and hopefully prevent any injuries.

It’s a great gift for anybody who exercises regularly and needs a way to relax muscles before training again.

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When it comes to the holidays, you can’t escape the importance of giving and getting great gifts. It’s a given of the season. We get it. You do, too. Your best bets for the fit people in your life are on this list. Also, this is a great want list for anyone who is shopping for you, too. Hint, hint.


By Mark Rubino


  1. A great way to help you get fit is to invest in a decent home gym. Sometimes gym memberships can be too expensive or they can even be inconvenient. By having a home gym, you can workout whenever you want, from the comfort of your own home.


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