The Rebirth of Gym Junkies



Hi, my name is Terry and I am here to help you achieve the body you have always wanted.About four months ago, I took over Gym Junkies with the goal of providing quality content to people across the globe.

In 2010, I published my first eBook (found here) and helped thousands of people achieve their goals. My mission is to continue helping my clients through Gym Junkies, provide quality content and products, and help other personal trainers across the globe. You can find more information on me in our about section.

So, who used to be the author at Gym Junkies?

Vic Magary was the previous author before I took over Gym Junkies. You can find his bio here and his blog can be found here.

Why didn’t I delete the old content on Gym Junkies?

Before joining Gym Junkies, I read a lot of the content on the blog. Initially, I was debating whether to delete a lot of it or completely start over. However, I believe Vic Magary is a respected trainer for good reason. More importantly our views are very similar, not exactly but pretty close. I also saw that many people were enjoying old content on the site and wanted to continue to provide that material.

When did I start lifting?

I began lifting weights when I was a freshman in high school. My friend Mike made me join a local gym. It was a very standard spot in a local garage essentially but it did the trick. The trainer Dave was very qualified and had won several bodybuilding competitions. He taught me the fundamentals to weight lifting and I am forever indebted to him, as he changed my life permanently.

My passion to help people

I really enjoy helping people in anyway that I can. As you can see, my testimonial pictures are my family, close friends, clients and even myself. The content I write for Gym Junkies is the same information I give to my own family and closest friends. I truly believe it can help you achieve a better body. If you are a trainer, gym owner or a fitness fanatic, and would like to contribute to Gym Junkies please feel free to email me here [email protected]. Please keep your emails concise as we receive a high volume. Also, please avoid asking medical questions, I am not a doctor.

My Promise to you

I will do my absolute best to provide you with best and most truthful content possible. I rely on clinical studies for research, not hyped up fads or trendy diet scams. That being said, research is always evolving, and I will do my best to stay as current as possible. Most importantly, I would never recommend a product I wouldn’t put in my own body. The advice I give is the same advice I live by and provide my friends, family and clients.

The Future of Gym Junkies

There are a lot of exciting things happening at Gym Junkies and more on the way. 

Gym Junkies Tank Top Apparel

We are very busy at work building our apparel line. Tank tops are available in sizes S-XL. They are not available yet but will be up on the site shortly for purchase. Please send any feedback to [email protected].

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Gym Junkies Supplements

Yes, Gym Junkies officially has its own supplement line. Currently, we have three products: protein, pre-workout powder and muscle building tablets. Every ingredient was carefully formulated and selected for purity and quality. All supplements were manufactured in an FDA inspected facility, GMP and made in the USA.

Amazon liked our products and our mission so much they invited us to sell directly from their website. All the supplements are available now on GymJunkiesNutra’s website.

Here is our mission statement:

Gym Junkies Nutra is setting a new standard for supplements. After years of living the fitness lifestyle, we’ve read up, researched and tried the best workouts, supplements and dieting methods. The goal of Gym Junkies Nutra is not to sell you useless supplements, but instead to pass on real, effective ingredients in clinically effective dosages. Our ingredients are field tested and backed by science. We skip the fillers, the dyes and use stevia to sweeten our products. We respect our bodies and pass on that same respect to you. We want to change the supplement industry for the better; we are here to deliver results, not sell you on hype. Our supplements deliver results: size, strength, endurance and improved recovery without unnecessary additives and fillers. Every supplement we sell follows the same set of protocols, natural, powerful and effective.


My closing statement

If there is anything you might need please to not hesitate to contact us here [email protected]. Also, if you haven’t checked out my diet eBook you can do so here.I also just recently published a book mass building recipe guide you can find that here.

If you would like to follow us on Facebook you can find that here. Also, if you are on Instagram you can follow me for blog updates or fitness tips you can do so here. If you want to learn more about our supplements you can find our information here.

All right well its time to go lift!

Later Gym Junkies…

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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