The Real Resolution Workout: Build Your Best!



It’s that time of the year again when we all make resolutions. Want to be at your best? In that case, we have the ideal resolution workout for you to be better than ever. Happy New Year!

If you’re looking to pack on some muscle, lean out and get in the best shape of your life in 2017, we have just the plan for you. There are tons of workout plans out there that you can follow, but here at Gym Junkies, we only provide the best.


We read, we learn, we research and we find what is proven to work. Whether you’ve been a fitness fanatic for years, or you are just getting into it, The Real Resolution Workout is here to switch things up a bit and change your body in the most positive ways.

total body push up

What’s It All About?

The Real Resolution Workout is designed to take body recomposition to a whole new level. Body recomposition is basically building more muscle while burning pure body fat, giving you that cut look and lowering your overall body fat percentage through a higher intensity workout.

The exercises are a mix of high and low reps with rest periods ranging from 60 seconds to 30 seconds, to no rest at all in between sets. Rest periods are shortened between certain exercises to ensure more calories being burnt during your workout. The heart will benefit and get an excellent workout due to the high pace of the workout, so you can ditch cardio during this plan.

Heck yeah!

The workout should be done four days per week. You don’t want to do them back to back (trust me), as you’ll need a rest day in between to allow for recovery/growth. So choose four non-consecutive days you can surely stick to such as Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Each workout is 60 full minutes. Make sure you can dedicate that amount of time before you start.

As stated, cardio isn’t needed during this plan, but if you decide to do some sort of cardio training on your rest days, make sure it’s not too intense (like HIIT) or too long. At most, do just enough to get you moving and to get your cardio fix (if that’s what floats your boat). If you’re doing long bouts of cardio, this is where muscle waste can come in, so be sure you are fueling up with protein and getting some carbs prior to your workout for your body to use it as energy.


Before You Start The Plan, Read This

Intense training plans aren’t for everybody. If you are a beginner or have any type of medical issue, be sure to check with your doctor first, especially if you have heart problems.


This workout will really put your heart to work the entire time.

Don’t be discouraged by being a beginner though because there’s always a way to tweak the plan to suit your needs. For instance, you can lighten your loads during some of the exercises, and extend your rest time a bit (but not too much if you want the full benefits). Do what you can and you’ll eventually work your way up.


Get Ready And Let’s Go!

Below is the plan you’ve been waiting for. Follow each exercise and rest time accordingly.

For the heavy sets, use the amount of weight that will allow you to perform six to eight good reps and no more. For the higher rep sets, choose the amount of weight that’ll burn you out by your last rep. It should be light enough to allow you to perform the last reps with good form, but heavy enough to challenge you and bring your muscles to failure by the last rep. During these higher rep exercises, increase your speed, get your heart rate up and stay aware of your form.

Day 1 Chest And Back 

Dumbbell Bench Press (Heavy) – 3 Sets X 6-8 Reps. Rest Period: 60 seconds between sets.

Lie on your back on a bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. With speed, bend your elbows and lower the dumbbells to chest level, then press them back up and lock out with each rep.


One-Armed Dumbbell Row – 4 Sets X 12 Reps (Per Side). Rest Period: 30 seconds between sets.

Start by placing one knee and one hand on the bench. With the other hand, grab the dumbbell and pull it up toward your ribs, then back to the starting point. Don’t set the dumbbell on the floor between each rep. Keep your back straight and core engaged during this exercise.


Single Arm Floor Press – 4 Sets X 12 Reps (Per Arm). Rest Period: 30 seconds between sets.

Lie on your back on the floor (or a bench) and hold a dumbbell in your hand. Tuck your elbow and face your palm inward. The back of your arm (triceps) should be resting on the floor or even with the bench if you’re using one. Press the weight up by fully extending your arm and raise it over the center of your chest for one rep.


Chest Supported Dumbbell Row – 4 Sets X 12 Reps. Rest Period: 30 seconds between sets.

Adjust the bench to a 45-degree angle and place your chest against the surface as you lie face down. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with the palms facing each other and row them upward as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.


Day 2 Legs And Core

Sumo Deadlift (Heavy) – 3 Sets X 6-8 Reps. Rest Period: 60 seconds between sets.

Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and toes pointed outward. Soften your knees, hinge at the hips and grasp the bar with your palms facing you. Keep your back straight, chest out and head facing forward. Pull the bar as you come up to standing and lockout for one rep.


Dumbbell Front Squat – 4 Sets X 20 Reps. Rest Period: 30 seconds between sets.

Hold the dumbbells in the racked position and stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight, feet facing forward and chest out. Bend at the knees and push your hips back as if you are about to sit back in a chair. Lower yourself into the squat until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor or lower if you can. Push off with your heels as you come back up to standing to complete one rep.


V-Up Crunch – Sets 4 X as many reps as possible. Rest Period: 30 seconds between sets.

Lie on the floor and extend your arms over your head and your legs straight out on the floor. Engage your abs and crunch up while lifting your legs and arms off the floor until your body forms the shape of a V. Go back to the starting position and repeat.

Calf Raise – 4 Sets X 20 Reps. Rest Period: 30 seconds between sets.

You can either do this exercise from the machine, from a stair step or other sturdy surface. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and rest only the balls of your feet and toes on the surface. Lower your heels until you feel a slight stretch in your calves. This is your starting point. Press off with your toes and raise your heels upward while you flex in the calf muscles. Go back to the starting point and repeat.


Day 3 and Day 4 – There Will Be A Different Pattern To Your Workout

For these days, you’ll alternate two of the exercises listed. For instance, 12 reps of biceps curls, rest, 12 reps of triceps extensions, rest, 12 reps of biceps curls, rest, 12 reps of triceps extensions and so on.


Day 3 Shoulders and Arms

Chin-ups – 3 Sets X 6-8 Reps. Rest Period: 60 seconds between sets.

Grip the chin-up bar with your palms facing you and hands about shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Lower and repeat.


Triceps Dips – 4 Sets X as many reps as possible.

Grab the handles and suspend yourself with your arms straight and knees bent behind you. Bend at the elbows, lower yourself and come back up for one rep.


High Pulls – 4 Sets X 12 Reps. Rest Period: 30 Seconds.

Grasp the bar with your palms facing you and set your hands a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Plant your feet at hip-width and lower the bar just above your knees, then pull up until it reaches chest level. Be sure to keep your back straight, core engaged and head facing forward.


Ez-Bar Skullcrushers – 4 Sets X 12 Reps. Rest Period: 0 Seconds. *Alternate with next exercise

Lie on the bench and place your feet flat on the floor. Grab the bar at a shoulder-width grip and press it up over your chest. Bend your elbows and lower the bar until it almost touches your forehead, then straighten your elbows to bring it back up for one rep.


Diagonal Hammer Curls – 4 Sets X 12 Reps (per arm). Rest Period: 30 seconds. *Alternate with previous exercise

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides and palms facing your outer thighs. Start with one arm and curl up diagonally to the opposite shoulder, then go back to the starting position and repeat.


Day 4 Legs and Core

Bulgarian Split Squat – 3 Sets X 10 Reps (per leg). Rest period: 60 seconds between each set.

Stand facing away from the bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Rest the top of one foot on the bench and be sure the other foot is planted firmly and at lunge length away from the bench. Lower the knee that’s behind you until it’s just a couple of inches off the floor. Push off with the heel and come back up for one rep.


Single Leg Hamstring Curl With Stability Ball – 3 Sets X as many reps as possible per leg. Rest Period: 0 seconds. * Alternate with the next exercise

Lie on your back and place a stability ball at your feet. Place one heel on the ball and extend your arms out to the side with palms flat on the floor. Dig into the ball with your heel and roll it back towards you as you bend your knee. Your hip should come off of the floor with each rep and your opposite leg should be rested.


Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3 Sets X as many reps as possible per leg. Rest period: 30 seconds between each set. *Alternate with previous exercise.

Lie flat on your back on the floor and bend one knee and place the foot flat on the floor. Your arms should be extended out beside you with your palms facing down. The opposite leg should be straight out on the floor. Press your heel to the floor, squeeze your glutes and lift your hips upward towards the ceiling until the body forms a straight line. Lower to the starting position and repeat.


Forearm Plank – 3 Sets, hold each plank for as long as possible. Rest Period: 0. *Alternate with the next exercise.

Start in the traditional push-up position then lower yourself onto your forearms. Keep your back straight and don’t let your hips sag. Brace your core and hold this position for as long as you can.


Medicine Ball Woodchops- 3 Sets X 20 Reps (per side). Rest Period: 30 seconds in between sets. *Alternate with previous exercise.

Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and staggered with your left foot in front. Hold the medicine ball between both hands. Extend your arms past the left knee, then quickly swing the ball upward at a diagonal direction and over the right shoulder. Return to the starting position and repeat.

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Make a commitment to follow this plan and see how much of a difference it will make for you in 2017. Be sure you are getting the appropriate amount of sleep and staying on track with your nutrition too. You may find yourself getting really hungry after these workouts, and that’s very normal, especially with the intensity level. Just be sure that you’re replenishing with clean foods.

Get plenty of protein and complex carbohydrates and be sure to stay hydrated.

This year you need to resolve to be better.

This workout will help you achieve that!

By Heather Neff, CPT

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