How To Lose Face Fat : 8 Tips


How To Lose Face Fat

Chubby cheeks and excessive face fat can be an embarrassing problem. Here are steps on how to lose face fat and embrace a more confident you.

The biggest problem reported with excessive face fat is low self-confidence or self-esteem. Face fat can be particularly embarrassing, especially for people who have had long-term problems with it. Trying to lose face fat can be especially hard because you can’t target a specific area to remove fat from your body. You can, however, take steps to achieve an overall healthier weight, which will reduce face fat and any bloating that increases the appearance of face fat.

Losing face fat involves making changes to your overall health and fitness regiments. Reducing fat in general means creating a calorie deficit – burning more calories than you consume. When this happens, your body releases fat and converts it into usable energy. You can’t tell your body where to take the fat from, but with a little time and by following the tips in this post, you’ll have the thinner face you always wanted.

How To Lose Face Fat Top 8 Tips

More Exercise

#1 More Exercise

Successfully losing weight depends heavily on an easy diet and plenty of cardio exercise. You want to aim for at least 30 to 45 minutes of cardio exercise daily. Brisk walking or cycling helps you lose fat on your entire body, including your face.

You can also perform total body workouts to preserve lean muscle and increase your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more energy your body demands and the more efficient it is at burning calories. This aids in fat loss, including the fat in your face.

If you decide to exercise outside, don’t forget to wear plenty of sunscreens! Sunscreen protects your face from sun damage that prematurely ages your skin by breaking down essential proteins that keep it young and supple.

Eat Less Salt And Sugar

#2 Eat Less Salt And Sugar

Excessive intake of salt and sugar causes your body to retain water. This causes the bloating that may be contributing to the appearance of face fat.

Many people ask what does sugar do to your body? It’s an important question to ask…

Avoid foods that are loaded with salt and sugar, like pizzas, baked goods, and processed foods. Raw foods like fresh fruits and veggies naturally have low sodium and are made mainly of water. They also have vitamins and nutrients that contribute to overall fat loss and, thus, the loss of face fat.

Drink Plenty Of Water

#3 Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking water has a host of benefits, including suppressed appetite, decreased bloating, healthier looking skin and increased metabolism. All of these things will help contribute to losing face fat and decreasing bloating that increases the appearance of face fat.

You can also learn how to how to lose water weight fast.

Drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day to avoid dehydration and water retention. You can also give your body a boost of nutrients by adding fruits, veggies and herbs to your glass of water.

Change Your Diet

#4 Change Your Diet

Your diet is likely the most important factor when it comes to losing face fat. As you know, there are good fats (unsaturated fats) and bad fats (trans and saturated fats) for your body.

Avoid the bad fats!

Opt for healthier fatty foods like nuts, fish oil, and avocados. These foods are naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential in maintaining a healthy body and a fast metabolism.

You also want to eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains, which promote face fat loss and a healthier complexion. As a general rule of thumb, half of your meal should consist of fiber-heavy veggies like lettuce, broccoli, kale, spinach or eggplant. A quarter of your meal should consist of a whole grain, like brown rice, quinoa or barley. The final quarter of your meal should be foods high in lean protein, such as eggs, white meat or fish.

Lose Overall Body Weight

#5 Lose Overall Body Weight

As we said, you can’t pinpoint where your body removes fat to use as energy. But by losing weight overall, you’ll thin out your entire body – including your face. The key to losing overall body weight is creating a calorie deficit, this will help you get rid of love handles & lower belly fat. You can use an online calorie calculator. This will give you a recommended calorie count based on your fitness goals, gender, age, workout routine and body type.

It is possible to lose 5 pounds in a week safely.

But don’t go overboard on cutting calories!

Too little calories (below 1,200 for an average woman and 1,800 for an average man) will decrease your metabolism, make it harder for you to gain muscle and result in nutritional deficiencies. It can also result in extreme hunger. This will make you more apt to cheat with unhealthy foods or give up on your goals entirely.

Drink Less Alcohol

#6 Drink Less Alcohol

While they’re okay to drink in moderation, hard liquor, beer and wine dehydrate your body and deprive it of essential vitamins and nutrients. Alcohol has hidden calories that contribute to overall weight gain, including to your face. It can also make your face appear bloated and puffy.

It’s important to look into how does alcohol affect the body.

Cutting back on how much you drink can prevent this bloating and make your face look thinner. When you do drink alcohol, be sure to drink plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

#7 Get Plenty Of Sleep

Believe it or not, not getting enough sleep can seriously hinder your weight loss efforts. When you sleep, your body regenerates to keep your bodily systems strong and your chemical balances in check. Getting plenty of sleep also ensures you are not sleep deprived, which can lead to unhealthy diet habits, temptation to skip workouts due to fatigue and even mental underperformance.

Does Sleep Affect Muscle Growth, the simple answer is yes.

Studies show that when you are sleep deprived, your brain searches for something to make you feel good, making it hard to resist unhealthy cravings. You’re also more likely to snack late at night and eat larger portions in general, which contributes to weight gain.

And because you are sleep deprived, your body craves high carb, energy-dense foods, hindering your face fat loss efforts that much further.

Facial Exercises

#8 Do Facial Exercises

As silly as it may sound, doing facial exercises to strengthen the muscles in your face can help you lose excess face fat and smooth skin to give you a younger-looking appearance. There are a number of exercises you can practice daily or weekly to help you lose face fat. What follows are some of the better known facial exercises that may help you to improve your appearance.

How to Slim Your Face With these Exercises

Chin Lifts

Chin lifts, which aid in stretching and strengthening the muscles in your jaw, throat and neck, help you get rid of a double chin and other excess face fat. You can do this exercise sitting or standing. Purse your lips (as if you’re about to kiss someone) and tilt your head towards the ceiling.

Hold this stretch for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise 10 times.

Lips Pull

When practiced regularly, the lips pull can help lift the muscles in your face to give you a more youthful appearance. This position can be done standing or sitting. Start by lifting your lower lip to push your lower jaw out as much as possible. You’ll feel the stretch in your chin muscles and jawline.

Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, relax and repeat 10 times.

Neck Lift

This exercise is good for strengthening muscles and firming loose skin in the neck and face. Start by looking straight ahead and placing your fingers at the base of your neck. As you tilt your head back, stroke the skin on your neck down a few times to stretch the muscles there. Bring your head back to its normal position and repeat the stroking. Finish this exercise with a lips pull and hold for four or five seconds.

Relax and repeat this exercise 10 times.

Jaw Release

A jaw release helps stretch and strengthen the muscles around your lips, jaws and cheeks. Begin by sitting or standing with straight posture, then open and close your jaw with your lips closed. Do this five times. Next, open your mouth wide and press your tongue against your bottom teeth, holding for five seconds.

Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Eyebrow Lift

The eyebrow lift strengthens the muscles and skin around your eyes to decrease bags under the eyes and drooping eyebrows to give you a younger appearance. Start by placing your index fingers beneath your eyes, pointing towards the nose. Pull your lips inside your mouth to hide them over your teeth and open your mouth slightly. Flutter your upper eyelids while staring at the ceiling for 30 seconds.

Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Fish Face

The fish face exercise can be done anywhere, even on the couch watching TV. It helps with toning and strengthening cheek muscles to lose face fat. Simply suck your cheeks into your mouth (making a fish face) and smile while holding that pose for five seconds. You’ll feel the pull in your cheek and jaw muscles.

Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Brow Smoother

The brow smoothing exercise will help to strengthen forehead muscles and reduce the appearance of horizontal forehead lines. Start by sitting or standing and place your hands on the middle of your forehead and spread your fingers across the vertical length of your forehead. Gently stroke your forehead by sweeping your fingers outward, applying mild pressure to firm the skin.

Relax and repeat his exercise 10 times.

Air Blowing

The air blowing exercise works almost all of your facial and neck muscles. It helps to rid your face of excess fat, to give your face a natural lift for a leaner appearance. Start by sitting with your back straight and point your face towards the ceiling as far as you can go. Purse your lips and blow air out of your mouth for five seconds and relax.

Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Smile Smoother

The smile smoother helps with improving cheek lines and strengthening sagging skin. Start by pulling your lips inside your mouth to hide them over your teeth. Make an O shape with your mouth and smile widely while keeping your lips over your teeth. Repeat this six times. Then hold the smile while placing a finger on your chin and move your jaw up and down as you tilt your head back slightly.

Relax and repeat twice more. Do this whole exercise 10 times.

Eyebrow Stretch

The eyebrow stretch helps strengthen the muscles around your eyes and eyebrows to firm drooping eyelids, diminish crow’s feet and reduce puffiness. Start by pressing both middle fingers together at the crown of your nose, at the inner corner of your eyebrows. Use both your index fingers to apply pressure to the outer corners of your eyebrows. Then, look towards the ceiling and raise your lower eyelids to make a squint. Hold this for a few seconds and relax.

Repeat this exercise five times and conclude by squeezing your eyes shut for 10 seconds.

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Many want to learn how to lose face fat. But, losing face fat depends on your overall health. Doing facial exercises or altering your diet alone won’t help you lose face fat.

Losing face fat depends on a solid mix of all the tips listed to achieve an overall healthier weight and body. It’s vital to adopt healthier lifestyle habits like getting more sleep, eating less processed foods and more fresh fruits and veggies, and maintaining a regular exercise routine.

It’s also important to listen to what your body needs. If your body doesn’t respond well to a certain food or workout routine, tailor your diet and exercise plan to one that your body will respond to in a positive manner. Doing so will allow you to achieve an overall healthier weight, giving you the thinner face and the confidence you deserve.

By Laura Bayard


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  2. Great Article! Have been struggling with a chubby face for quite sometime and want a firm looking jawline. I look forward to using your tips. Thanks!


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