Ripped Muscle X Review


Ripped Muscle X Review

Are you looking for a dietary supplement that can actually help you shed the extra weight and showcase the muscles you’ve been building?

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Ripped muscle X is one supplement that might help. Today’s review will focus on this popular cutter and find out if it can help. People tend to confuse it with muscle Rev X; however, there is a significant difference between the two.

So what’s the difference?

Ripped Muscle X aims at helping improve strength and stamina and at the same time, to cut the extra body fat. There’s also creatine in Ripped Muscle X to help boost your strength. So, the extra energy helps you during your workouts and may improve your sex drive as well. Not to mention, cutting the fat will have you feeling great about your physique.

You might be wondering:

Does it work?

Ripped Muscle X was developed to increase your metabolism, which means you’ll burn food as fuel more efficiently. The website makes some really strong claims and I wanted to check out if the claims are true and if this supplement is right for our readers.

Want to know what happened?

Well, one thing that is concerning with any supplement, is when the site has no mention of the ingredients used for making Ripped Muscle X. There are not really enough readily available details about the ways the supplement works or how it was made either. So we had to dig a little deeper.

So, if you wanted to get an idea of the details, you’d have to find out for yourself and buy a bottle.

Luckily, we did this for you, to analyze Ripped Muscle X side effects and find out if this product is worth the money.

Ripped Muscle X Ingredients

The goal of the ingredients used in this product is to make sure that your muscles get better blood and oxygen flow. When your muscles are well supplied, greater strength occurs in your body. Creatine also keeps ATP in your muscles which is crucial for resistance training and high intensity workouts.

So, the goal of Ripped Muscle X is to fuel your workout, and help you cut fat in the mean time.

Here are the ingredients in Ripped Muscle X and how they serve their individual purposes.

L- Arginine and L- Citrulline: these are amino acids that help improve blood circulation thought the body. These components provide extra energy and the greater blood flow results in a ‘pump’ in your muscles.

Beta Alanine: is another amino acid that helps in providing sustained energy levels and keeps off muscle fatigue too.

Creatine Citrate: is a staple of most strength training diets and a favorite among bodybuilders and high intensity athletes. Creatine keeps your muscles fueled with ATP for ‘sprint-like’ movement—this included weightlifting.

Acai Berry: improves the ease with which you digest other ingredients and at the same time, is extremely high in anti-oxidants, which is great for your immune system after workouts.

Green tea: is another antioxidant that will help prevent free radical damage that occurs during workouts. Remember there is a shock to your immune system that occurs with training.

The product comes with no specific warnings like you must be 18 years of age to use it. There is also no disclaimer preventing pregnant women to use it either. However, before taking any supplement it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

How Effective Are the Ingredients in Ripped Muscle X?

In order to provide the best ripped muscle X review, I wanted to test the effectiveness of the ingredients diligently. Here are my results.


There are a lot of studies that have been conducted on this product. These indicate that it can help in improving different problems like hypertension and provide a pumped up, full feeling in the muscles. There are also user reports that suggest that this ingredient helps in shortening recovery time between workouts.


Ripped Muscle X contains this ingredient with the main goal of increasing the ‘pump’ effect that L-Arginine also provides. These give your muscles a full feeling.

Acai berry

Acai berry’s main contribution to this product is its anti-oxidant content. While some supplements contain this amazon berry for weight loss, it is an extremely healthy fruit to have in your diet. So, its inclusion in the supplement is a great addition.

Beta Alanine

This has quickly become one of the most popular pre-workout supplements. Basically, Beta Alanine helps prevent muscle fatigue. This enables you to get more out of your workouts and build muscle.

Ripped Muscle X Side Effects

If you are wondering about potential Ripped Muscle X side effects, luckily there are no proprietary blends, which are always a big question mark. Based on the established knowledge of the ingredients in this supplement, risk of side effects is very low. In my trial run with Ripped Muscle X, I did not experience any side effects.

No matter how safe the ingredients, it’s always a good idea to talk to you doctor before beginning a supplement regimen.


As I kept using Ripped Muscle X, I found out that there were definitely noticeable changes. As a pre-workout formula, this product did in fact fuel my workouts with extra energy, and the beta alanine and creatine kept my muscles fueled. I definitely noticed an increase in stamina carrying through to the end of my workouts.

I did not experience any significant fat loss. So if you’re looking for a fat loss product, I would recommend you keep looking. However, as a solid pre-workout formula, Gym Junkies considers Ripped Muscle X a solid option.


Ripped Muscle X Review
Reviewed By:
Terry Asher
3.0 OUT OF 5.0
User Reviews: 0
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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
I’m Terry and I’m here to help you achieve your fitness goals. I truly believe anyone can achieve the figure they want with the proper guidance. Through my extensive fitness blog, top fitness videos, leading workout supplements, and top selling eBooks, I have been able to help thousands of people online lose weight, tone up and get in shape. My passion is helping people all around the world change their lives for the better.
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Ripped Muscle X Review
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Ripped Muscle X Review
This week's review explores Ripped Muscle X to find out if this fat cutter and pre-workout formula is worth the price and delivers results.
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Gym Junkies
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