Print A Workout Calendar For Your Best Body


Print A Workout Calendar

Have you ever found that you are more productive when you have structure in the various aspects of your life? If so, then we have the 30-day workout plan that should keep you at your productive best!

I’m always excited to try new workout plans, to keep challenging myself and adding new exercises and new workouts to my routine. With this 30-day workout calendar, it makes it easy to follow along with and it’ll help you get in the best shape ever while keeping your workouts considerably more organized too!

You don’t have to worry about which day you worked which muscle because we’ve got it all planned and written down for you.

All you have to do is make sure you have some paper in the printer and print it.

This Is Why Organization Matters With Your Workouts

A lot of people have an app or some sort of list as to what they will be doing at the gym that week. This is very helpful in a variety of ways and a good idea, especially if you’re into doing split routines.

After a while it does become second nature and you’ll know that it’s Tuesday and that’s always leg day, or it’s Friday, which means rest. But until you get it down, it’s best to keep a list (or our awesome printable calendar) handy to show you just what’s on your agenda.

Staying organized with your workouts will also help you to keep track of your progress. For instance, if you’re curling a certain amount of weight starting out this month, you can mark it down and as you advance and become stronger, you’ll be able to look back at where you started and see how much closer you are to your goal.


Maximize Your Training Time

Every time you walk through the gym doors think about having tunnel vision. You’re there to work hard, build muscle and change your body for the better. Stay focused on the task at hand.

Dedicate at least one full hour to your workouts each time and do them without stopping to take a selfie or to chat with people about random things. Even if you don’t have a picture to prove your workout, it won’t matter because people will still know you did it by looking at your physique.

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t be friendly and social, but it can really make you lose your focus, and make your heart rate come back down during these interactions. The better you stay on track, the better results you are going to get from your sessions. So make it all about sweat and save the chatting for when you’re finished.

No Matter What, Be Sure To Fuel Up Properly Before Every Workout

I love to talk about nutrition because it plays such a huge role in not only health, but building muscle too. If you don’t eat just right, you won’t get to where you want to be fitness-wise.

You need to be eating about one to two hours before you start your workout. This meal should include a lot of lean protein such as chicken, turkey, fish or eggs. It should also include some slow digesting carbs (complex carbohydrates) such as oatmeal or Ezekiel bread.

If you want to build muscle, these are two things you need to fuel your workouts. The carbs should give you enough energy to make it through, and the protein is there to help build muscle and to prevent muscle wasting.

If you eat a meal too close to your workout, this isn’t a good thing either. The reason is because the blood is being utilized around the stomach for digestive purposes and if you start working out too soon before digestion has had a chance to complete, the blood will move away from the stomach and to the working muscles, which can cause you a nice bellyache and cramping.

Give it time.

About 15 to 30 minutes before your workout, feel free to gulp down a protein shake or even some orange juice for some fast energy.

Sleep Makes You Strong

For this plan to work, you’re going to need to get some sleep every night! 

Sleep is so important for building muscles because that’s when all of the magic happens. If you don’t get enough sleep, this can really throw a wrench in your plans.

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, depression, diabetes and all sorts of issues. It’s recommended by the CDC that adults ages 26 to 64 get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. This is what energizes your brain, heals your body and lowers cortisol levels.

It can be hard to get that much shuteye in today’s world with everything we have going on, so I would recommend setting a strict schedule. Get all of your business done a couple of hours before bed, take a hot shower or bath, do some stretching and just try and relax. You’ll be happy you did and you will see a huge difference in your energy levels once you start getting sufficient amounts of sleep.


Here’s The Workout Calendar That’s Going To Change Your Body

For the first half of this workout, you’re going to lift heavy. If you’re used to staying in the 10 to 12 rep range with your sets, this is the timeframe where you will increase the weight and do six to eight reps on most of the exercises, some will be in the higher rep range.

This four-day split plan is going to pair a larger muscle group with a smaller muscle group to be sure you have the energy to do your larger compound exercises efficiently.

The second half of the calendar workout you’re going to focus on higher reps, lighter weight and more intensity throughout the workouts. It will also be a four-day split, but the muscle groups will be paired differently.


Day 1 Chest And Triceps

Incline Barbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Flat Dumbbell Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Weighted Dips 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Close Grip Barbell Bench Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 Sets X 7 Reps


Day 2 Legs, Calves And Abs

Smith Machine Squats 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Leg Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Hack Squats 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Deadlifts 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Standing Calf Raises 3 Sets X 20 Reps

Hanging Leg Raises 2 Sets X 20 Reps

Cable Crunches 2 Sets X 20 Reps


Day 3 Shoulders And Traps

Dumbbell Overhead Presses 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Arnold Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Upright Rows 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Lateral Raises 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Dumbbell Shrugs 4 Sets X 7 Reps


Day 4 Back, Biceps And Abs

Barbell Deadlifts 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Bent-Over Rows 4 Sets X 7 Reps

T-Bar Rows 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Biceps Curls 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curls 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Preacher Curls 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Crunches 2 Sets X 20 Reps

Reverse Crunches 2 Sets X 20 Reps


Day 5 Rest


Day 6 Rest


Day 7 Rest


Day 8 Chest And Triceps

Incline Barbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Weighted Dips 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Flat Dumbbell Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Close Grip Barbell Bench Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 Sets X 7 Reps


Day 9 Legs, Calves And Abs

Smith Machine Squats 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Hack Squats 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Leg Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Deadlifts 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Hanging Leg Raises 2 Sets X 20 Reps

Standing Calf Raises 3 Sets X 20 Reps

Cable Crunches 2 Sets X 20 Reps


Day 10 Shoulders And Traps

Dumbbell Overhead Presses 3 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Upright Rows 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Arnold Presses 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Dumbbell Shrugs 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Lateral Raises 4 Sets X 7 Reps


Day 11 Back, Biceps And Abs

Barbell Deadlifts 3 Sets X 7 Reps

T-Bar Rows 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Bent-Over Rows 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Biceps Curls 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Barbell Preacher Curls 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curls 4 Sets X 7 Reps

Crunches 2 Sets X 20 Reps

Reverse Crunches 2 Sets X 20 Reps


Day 12 Rest


Day 13 Rest


Day 14 Rest


Day 15 Chest And Back

Barbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Dumbbell Flyes 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Rack Pulls 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Cable Crossovers 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Bent Over Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lat Pulldowns 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 16 Legs, Calves And Abs

Leg Extensions 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Barbell Hack Squats 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Leg Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lying Leg Curls 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Romanian Deadlifts 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Standing Calf Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Seated Calf Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Hanging Knee Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Reverse Crunches 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 17 Shoulder And Traps

Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Cable Lateral Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Reverse Pec Flyes 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Shrugs 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Dumbbell Shrugs 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 18 Triceps, Biceps And Abs

Weighted Bench Dips 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lying Barbell Extensions 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Preacher Curls With Cable 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Cable Pressdowns 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Hanging Leg Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Double Crunches 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 19 Rest


Day 20 Rest


Day 21 Rest


Day 22 Chest And Back

Dumbbell Flyes 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Rack Pulls 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Cable Crossovers 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lat Pulldowns 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Bent Over Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Seated Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 23 Legs, Calves And Abs

Leg Extensions 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Leg Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Deadlifts 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Barbell Hack Squats 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lying Leg Curls 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Seated Calf Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Standing Calf Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Reverse Crunches 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Hanging Knee Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 24 Shoulder And Traps

Cable Lateral Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Reverse Pec Flyes 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Shrugs 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Dumbbell Shrugs 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 25 Triceps, Biceps And Abs

Lying Barbell Extensions 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Weighted Bench Dips 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Preacher Curls With Cable 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Hanging Leg Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Double Crunches 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 26 Rest


Day 27 Rest


Day 28 Rest


Day 29 Chest And Back

Dumbbell Flyes 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Barbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Cable Crossovers 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Rack Pulls 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lat Pulldowns 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Bent Over Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Seated Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets X 12 Reps


Day 30 Legs, Calves And Abs

Leg Extensions 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Barbell Squats 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Leg Presses 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Barbell Hack Squats 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Romanian Deadlifts 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Lying Leg Curls 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Seated Calf Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Standing Calf Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Reverse Crunches 3 Sets X 12 Reps

Hanging Knee Raises 3 Sets X 12 Reps

beginners workout pdf



Some people find that in order for them to be at their most productive, they require structure in virtually every single aspect of their lives. If nothing else, this 30-day workout calendar should give everyone precisely the type of structure that should lead to more productive workouts resulting in the best body possible.

By Heather Neff, CPT


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