Nature Made Sleep Aid: As Natural As It Seems?


nature made sleep aid

A lot of people are intimidated by taking supplements, especially if it enhances any area, like sleeping.

Most of these worries are based around potential harmful side effects and become dependent on the supplement itself.

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So that’s why a lot of people look for products that have the word “natural” on them. After all, there are so many individuals that are comforted by this word. They assume the products are completely safe, free of any harmful chemicals or dyes.

So why in the world do some natural products contain things like blue 1, red 40, maltodextrin, yellow 6 and various other titanium dioxides (also known as artificial colors)? That’s a good question. And one we’re determined to find out.

And that’s why we decided to take a look at Nature Made Sleep Aid. After taking an in-depth look at the ingredients, we found a lot of different ingredients that usually come with most other sleep aids.

Nature Made Sleep Aid Ingredients…

Like most sleep aids, melatonin was a top ingredient. Other ingredients included things like passion flower extract, lemon balm left, chamomile flower extract, and L-thiamine.

Pretty natural products so far. Of course, the melatonin is the foundation of most sleep aids, including Nature Made. It’s a pretty effective ingredient that helps maintain brain function while also help keep your internal clock running smoother.

Now, the Nature Made brand is a pretty popular, well-known brand. Their retail presence is pretty impressive too, with products in countless stores online and in venues. Basically, you’re going to be able to find it everywhere from your usual go-to places, like Kmart and CVS, to more herbal-based companies on the Internet.

Nature Made Sleep Aid Pricing…

The best prices you’ll find are going to be online. For a bottle of 30 capsules, you can expect to pay about $9. As for a bottle of 60 capsules, the prices go up a bit to $17.

However, there isn’t any type of guarantee offered with the product. In terms of refund information, it depends on the area where you purchase the bottle. Each store and venue has its own unique rules in terms of returns.

We decided to create a list of pros and cons to Nature Made Sleep Aid to help us decide which side we were on. There’s actually a surprisingly even divide between the two.

On the positive side, we did read that this product has a ton of positive reviews from users. A lot of people said it worked for them with very little side effects and helped them get the sleep they desperately needed.

Plus, because the manufacturer is pretty well known, a lot of users feel completely comfortable using products from this company. And because the pricing is fair, you aren’t taking a big financial risk investing in the product.

Finally, because Nature Made Sleep Aid is very gentle and soothing, you aren’t going to wake up feeling like a zombie the next day. You can expect to get a good, even night of sleep and wake up feeling alert and ready to go.

Negatives of Nature Made Sleep Aid…

Now let’s take a look at the negatives. Even though the ingredients list and packaging says completely natural formula, there are a few preservatives in the product. This means you might find yourself having some type of reaction. These reactions can range from being minor, like an upset stomach, to more serious complications.

Also, there isn’t any kind of clinical data available, which means there isn’t solid evidence backing up that this product works. The only evidence we have of this product being successful is from the reviewers themselves. Of course, most of the users had positive things to say, which is great, but it’s always an extra bonus to have solid research and data to back up the product.

We were also a little surprised to see that there’s more L-thiamine in Nature Made Sleep Aid than there is of melatonin.

Melatonin is the number one ingredient in a lot of sleep aids, so why isn’t it in this one?

This means the product might not be as powerful as other sleep aids, so that’s something you’ll want to consider.

All in all, the reviews of the product are positive and that’s also something you want to keep in mind. With its gentle formula, it has earned itself many positive reviews, praising the product for helping get good night’s sleep. But we are still a little thrown off by the lack of clinical data.

For such a reputable company, who is quick to sell their products and have a fantastic presence with its users, you would think they would have some solid evidence to back up their popular products.

This rubs us the wrong way and we aren’t sure what to make of it. It’s a sleep aid, so clinical trials would be fairly easy. If you’re willing to simply go off of what other users had to say about it, go for it. Like we said, there were hardly any negative reviews when it comes to this product.

But if you’re a facts person and want the cold hard evidence that shows this product works (and doesn’t have any negative, deal-breaking side effects) you aren’t going to find it with Nature Made Sleep Aid.

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All in all, we think you might be able to find a more successful product. Like we said, melatonin is a huge ingredient that comes into play with sleep aids, so we don’t understand why it isn’t the number one product in Nature Made Sleep Aid. There are a few more powerful more successful and more proven sleep aids that work.

These sleep aids are also completely natural, so you don’t have to worry about negative ingredients or becoming addicted to it. In fact, straight melatonin is a sleep aid many people use to guarantee a restful night sleep. If you want something that is 100% guaranteed to work, taking pure melatonin might be the solution or you, especially because it’s proven to work.

-Terry Asher

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Gym Junkies Founder & Editor in Chief at Gym Junkies LLC
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