LeanFire XT Review: Does It Work?


leanfire XT reviews

We all know there are millions of supplements out there designed for two main things: building muscle and burning fat. So, it should be easy to find something that works, right? You’d think so! Burn fat + build muscle sounds like a win-win.

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Sadly, that is not the case with most supplements.

However, it’s part of what we do. We have tried and tested thousands of them!

Today we are bringing you a full review on LeanFire XT by Life Force.

If you’ve ever stepped foot into a GNC, you are sure to recognize Life Force. It is a common product line in the supplement/fitness world, and we have tried a number of there products. Most of them aren’t bad!

This one specifically was designed for BOTH men and women and we ready to give you the full scoop.

So, is it the real deal?

Let’s find out…

LeanFire XT: What Exactly Does It Do?

LeanFire XT was designed to do the following things: increase thermogenesis, boost metabolism, and intensify the body’s demand for energy so that stubbornly stored fat can be demolished and help you push through your hardest workouts for optimal results.

leanfire XT fat burner

Why LeanFire XT?

Is it the same as all the rest?

It claims to be It considers the real needs of your body and mind as you work to burn fat and sculpt a new body, producing clean energy (without the crash) while helping to reduce the nervous anxiety that too often accompanies even the best endurance boosts.

It contains an aggressive fat-burning thermogenic complex, but the real difference that set this product apart is all in the mix!

The Metabolic Mind Matrix mix that is…

That mix contains L-theanine and 150mg of caffeine to really get ya goin’.

Metabolic Mind Matrix was specifically engineered to stimulate your central nervous system, bolstering concentration and creating laser focus. We all know caffeine helps suppress your appetite and delivers a serious boost of energy.

This increases stamina and endurance, pushing you to power through that extra set or extra mile, rep, whatever you are trying to do.

LeanFire XT also claims to put your body into thermogenesis, aka fat burning machine!

What else does LeanFire XT have going on?

Keep reading…

LeanFire XT Ingredients List

Although there are some really solid ingredients in LeanFire XT, there’s a problem with proprietary blends.

While they list all the ingredients in these blends, we don’t know exactly how much of each specific ingredient is included in the mix. Therefore, it’s hard to tell exactly how effective it’ll be.

Proprietary blends are tricky like that.

Here’s the list:

Green Tea
One of the best thermogenics on the market.
It’s the catechins in the green tea that do the most work. After being absorbed into your system, the catechins in the green tea promote norepinephrine – the fat burning hormone. This allows you to burn more calories – and all you have to do is drink it!
You’ll also get a mild caffeine boost from the herb itself.
An amino acid that has been seen to boost both energy and metabolism.
However, we don’t know how much is being used in LeanFire XT, and you need at least 500 mg per serving to get any real effect.
It might not be up to standard.
Cayenne Pepper
Another good thermogenic that should help burn extra calories.
This all comes down to the heat in cayenne pepper. By raising your body’s core temperature, your system has to regulate itself to cool down – and doing this costs energy, which means calories.
Meaning that this nutrient will make your body burn more calories for you, simply by taking it.
Nothing special here. Bioperine just helps with nutrient absorption.
An amino acid that has been seen to increase the potency of caffeine, however as the dosage here is unknown, we have no way of knowing exactly how effective it is.
Caffeine Anhydrous
Arguably one of the best stimulants on the market.
Caffeine is has been linked to improving energy levels, metabolism and overall power output in the gym.
An alkaloid that is seen to be structurally similar to caffeine – however the effects differ greatly.
There is little to no evidence of TeaCrine having any kind of dramatic effect on energy levels.
A cognitive enhancer that may help with focus, and reduce age pigmentation.
However, the studies behind DMAE are limited, with evidence pointing more to it helping with aging, which is why it’s popular in anti-aging creams.
It will not promote fat loss.
Synephrine (Advantra Z)
An ineffective fat burner that may cause side effects.
Also known as Bitter Orange Extract, Synephrine has been seen to cause bad reactions when combined with caffeine – which is present in this fat burner.

LeanFire XT Side Effects?

There is a potential for side effects in this product due to the synephrine. When mixed with synephrine can lead to problems such as headaches, nausea, high blood pressure and increased heart rate.

If you have any of those conditions already, we’d suggest NOT taking this supplement.


Overall Force Factor LeanFire XT  is a decent option if you’re looking to lose fat.
While we most certainly experience a boost of energy, which resulted in a solid work out, there are something things to note:

  • Average Price at $69.99 or “free trial” option – Beware of those trials.
  • Proprietary Blends – Unclear of how effective it will be overall
  • Potential Side Effects – Synephrine has been linked to several side effects when mixed with caffeine.

Overall, we’re giving this product a 3 out of 5.

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Terry Asher

Owner & Founder at Gym Junkies LLC
After changing his best friend’s life by helping him lose over 70lbs, dropping him down to an amazing 7% body fat, Terry was inspired to be a full-time internet trainer knowing he could do the same for many more. In 2010, Terry published his own diet and fitness e-book that can be purchased on this website. Let Terry help you change your body for the better!
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